Sunday, 5 June 2011

Things looking up, happy days

The following link is a bit random but it makes me smile and brings back happy childhood memories...

Yes indeed it looks like things are looking up, my wonderful hubby has got himself a new full time job which means things are going to be a lot less stressful for us.  He has been working for a driving agency which has been ok but it's long hours for little pay and the work coming in isn't steady, some weeks you get 5 days work and others only 3.  So now he has a full time job with a specialist bed bug detection and eradication company which he actually joined back in February but was only doing work here and there.  Now I can't remember if I have talked about this before, so apologies if I have. They use dogs to sniff out the bed bugs and then they are able to treat the house to rid them of the bed bugs.  Take a peek at this link,  you can see Lola the face of the company, she is very cute.  There is also a clip of a channel 4 programme My house is infested and it shows them treating a house. They have 2 new dogs joining the team and that's what Pete will be managing.  So we are both happy, more money is gonna be coming our way and Pete is doing a job that he enjoys.  I am so pleased for him.  I am very lucky to work in a job that I enjoy and love, I really wanted Pete to find a job that he would enjoy too.

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