Thursday, 24 March 2011

Feeling a little bit funny

Oh I'm so glad it's Friday tomorrow and I finish work at 1pm. How nice is that!  The weather has been so nice in Surrey, it makes such a difference when the sun is shining, everyone seems so much happier.

Not feeling quite right though.  Just getting over a urine infection (oh joy).  Thankfully its not triggered any major problems apart from a few more pins and needles and the occasional episode of Lhermittes (a kind of electric shock feeling when you bend your neck which travels down your neck to your arms and/or legs).  This evening though I'm just not feeling right, I feel cold inside my body??? Kind of in my bones??? My skin does feel a bit more sensitive, particularly in one small area on my right arm? Bizarre, it's in the same place I got pain in when I had my last relapse.  Hard to explain it but I do get this feeling every now and again, I suppose it's almost feels like I'm coming down with something like a mild case of flu but I don't.  I don't think its another relapse threatening to come, probably due to the blasted urine infection Not sure if any of that makes sense?  If anyone reads this and knows what I mean and has experienced this, I would welcome any comments :o)

So enough moaning.  Well last weekend we went to visit some of our best mates (well actually they are more like family really) and our town gorgeous Godchildren.  Had a lovely time and the sun was shining. We visited Porchester Castle and went to Clarence Pier in Southsea.  We ate far too much (fresh warm donuts, yummy but pure saturated fat, oops) and wasted money on pointless arcade games but had a wonderful time.

Views from Porchester Castle

Pete and I not looking too glamorous

My gorgeous goddaughter posing

Porchester Castle moat

My Pete

Inside the grounds of Porchester Castle

The boys and my little godson

Supposedly their better angle

My friend Nik and I

The girlies

My Goddaughter doing some more posing

Time to sign out now and hop into a nice bath for a bit of a soak, hopefully I feel a little better after that. Please do add any comments if you read this and have experienced similar feelings to me.  I would appreciate it.

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