Saturday, 23 January 2016

My thoughts for 2016

So we're nearly at the end of January, how has the start to your year gone?

Shock horror mine has not been as organised as I hoped. It's taken me longer then expected to get things sorted after Christmas and being away for New Year. I think I'm there now. Well kind of. This does not bode well for my 2016 goals...

I am actually feeling very positive about this year and I feel I may have to rethink my goals. Why?

Well, I  have told you before how much I love to watch videos on You Tube and I came across You tuber Marie Forleo from Marie TV who was interviewing Danielle La Porte and I found it really interesting what she was saying about goals and how you are actually chasing the feeling you get when you achieve those goals. It got me thinking about how I want to feel by achieving my goals and it is actually more inspiring then seeing a list of goals written down. Most years my goals actually looks more like a list of  To Do's.

Here's the interview:

After watching the interview I was intrigued enough to decide I'd like to read Danielle LaPorte's book. I have an Audible subscription and was pleased to see I could order the book which meant I didn't have to wait for pay day to get it. I haven't listened to a lot of it yet but so far so good.

As well as reading Danielle's book I am also reading one called Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. Now you may say 'Hey Kate, isn't that a bit over kill on the old self-development books? perhaps, but I'm reading them at different times depending on how I'm feeling. It's got be said though so far I am thoroughly enjoying them and feeling a hell of a lot more motivated already.


The Miracle Morning       Big Magic                    The Desire Map

Very briefly The Miracle morning is about getting up an hour or so earlier than your usual time enabling you to achieve more with your day and starting your day positively and with determination. Click on the links below to see some You Tubers thoughts on their miracle mornings:
Jeff Rose and Sandy Leveque and Sandy Leveque miracle morning one month in.

I'm going to start it tomorrow but I won't be getting up as early as I will be on Monday when the real fun starts.

There is plenty I want to achieve personally this year and to help inspire me and keep me feeling motivated and positive there are a few new things I want to do such as as developing a self care routine and keeping a journal. How about you? What are your thoughts for 2016? Have you read any of these books? Let me know in the comments if you have or what your thinking.

We shall see how this all goes but I am determined to make beneficial lifestyle changes that I can stick too....

Before I go I just wanted to say in case you're wondering, these are just my plans and thoughts and I have no links with any of the authors I have mentioned, just thought some of you may be interested too.

Finally remember

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