Tuesday, 29 December 2015

2016, here I come!

Hey Guys!

I hope you have had a very merry Christmas. It's been quite a while since I have graced my blog with a post, so for any of you who have checked in for an update, apologies. I have been caught up with other things and just wasn't feeling it. BUT it's the coming to the end of the year and like every other year I feel like it is a good time for fresh starts and reviewing your life or things in your life. One of the things in my life is my blog, which I have always enjoyed doing but I lost my way. I am back now and hopefully rejuvenated.

You may have noticed my blog looks a little different. I'm in the process of revamping it. The main reason for this is to make it more mobile user friendly. What do ya think? Any good?

I haven't quite tweaked all the necessary bits so please bear with me...

In 2016  I will be giving my blog more love and attention as well as dabbling a little more into You Tube and some Vlogging... If you missed it here is my first attempt First ever Vlog!

As part of this I am going to have to re-evaluate how I am doing things and organising my time. This shouldn't be a problem as I am now a serious planner addict, * Hubby now has an 'as if' look on his face* so I really should have no excuses about being organised...

Any hoo, I'm looking forward to the New Year and having a fresh start on The Tales of Me. So what should you be expecting then?

After doing a Vlog and talking about my MS, I realised I hadn't blogged about it in a very long time so I will be talking a little about health. I will also be sharing with you my new addiction, my Filofax and how I am using it to try and help my organisational skills. I also feel a little competition coming on, so keep your eyes peeled!

For now I will just be saying watch this little space in the blogmosphere, I will be back. I am going to be away visiting family in Wales till the New Year, so I will be back in January with gusto!


  1. Have a great time in Wales. Wishing you a very happy New Year and a great 2016 ahead xxx

    1. Thanks Suzie. Happy New Year to all the Tullets too xxx

  2. Happy new year. Looking forward to you being back on your blog.

    1. Thanks Anne! I'm looking forward to getting back to it x

  3. Hi Kate. It's 'Riggers'. Just wanted to stop by and thanks so much for visiting my blog the other day and for your kind words on my tutorial post! I hope you feel like a return to blogging soon but I took a long break myself last year, and it was worth it, so don't force it if it doesn't feel right x


❀Thanks for stopping by, I always love to here what you have to say. I like to reply to your comments and especially love it when you're NOT a "noreplyblogger" so I can email my reply to you! If you like what you read have a peek to your right for ways you can follow me and my blog❀

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