Saturday, 15 November 2014

Tackling my bucket list and meeting some meerkats!

*Warning pic heavy post*

So I'm back again, all my work is in and I'm just have to wait patiently to see if I have passed... *breathes a humongous sigh of relief*

What have I been up to then? Well I've ticked something very special off my bucket list and spent some time with a wonderful mob of meerkats. Yes mob! A group of meerkats is either a mob, clan or gang. I think mob is quite appropriate as Hubby was mobbed by them! Actually I suppose that's a bit of an exaggeration, how can 5 cute little meerkats mob a 6ft 1" man!

On the 1st of November it was our 6th wedding anniversary and what better excuse to pack our bags and head off for a few days! 

We headed up to Cambridge on the Thursday before our anniversary, more specifically Houghton, Huntingdon and stayed in a fab little B & B the Three Horse Shoe Inn. Unfortunately I haven't got a picture of it, but it was a great place to stay and the staff were so welcoming. It was so relaxing and the food was so yummy! We had planned to eat out but once we tasted the food there we thought why bother? We could eat, have a few too many drinks and then wander upstairs to bed! Perfect.

Whilst we were there we met Scratch and his wonderful little family. It was such an excellent experience (even if it was pretty smelly). Lee the guy he looked after them was brilliant and so knowledgeable, I never realised quite how small they were.You get to spend half an hour in their enclosure and he takes a picture for you. I think because we showed some much interest in what he was talking about and it was our anniversary, he gave us loads of pictures he took.

Apologies for the colour and quality of pictures, I had to scan them on to the computer and did my best to edit then, which wasn't great.

According to Lee, he has never seen all of the meerkats line up on someone like this before!

'I can see something interesting here'


In the pictures is Scratch who is dad and his four children. The last close up is over princess his daughter. They we're all particularly enamoured with Hubby. We both really enjoyed the experience and so please we did it. We definitely would love to do it again! 
The animal experience was fantastic and they do a brilliant job. Lee was telling us about all the animals they have to rescue from huge snakes to cute meerkats! I can't believe anyone would think it would be good to have a meerkat as a pet, we just can't offer or provide them what they need in our homes, unless you can house a whole mob of them and lots of deep sand they can burrow down in.

Here's a video Hubby took of me with Scratch. 

After we visited the meerkats we went to a fantastic farm which had so many different animals. It would be fantastic place to take kids, particularly as it was free. From storks to crocodiles, yes that's right crocodiles! For the vegetarians of you, you may not like the fact these crocodiles are bread for their meat. Whatever you think though, all the animals are kept well, with lots of space, some of them with lots of freedom and others (crocodiles) who are kept more securely.


A ria.

The crocodiles basking in the sun, difficult to take a picture as they are behind glass (thankfully).

It was an a wonderful anniversary weekend. Ok I think I've overdosed you with pictures.Have you ticked any special off your bucket list recently? I's love to know, tell me all about it below in comments.


  1. OMG, meeting meerkats would be the best! That's a fantastic bucket list item that I might have to steal. I wondered if they smelled bad - hahah.

    (P.S. I found you with this weeks SITS Sharefest)

  2. A belated Happy Anniversary from me, Kate. What a fun weekend and I love the photos x

  3. How awesome is that, Happy Anniversary and what an amazing experience!

  4. Happy anniversary Kate And hubby! That looks so much fun! I would love to do this too what a great day out the farm looks great too shame about the crocodiles
    For me but least you know they're lookes after for a long time before kids would love it too! I recently went to Harry Potter studio tours which was fab and on my list!xx


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