Friday, 26 April 2013

Blogging from A to Z, W is for wonder and lots of fabulous children's programmes

Wonder, oh the wonder of the world as a child, discovering new and amazing things.  I see that with my friends children (can't remember much myself).  The simple joy of them learning something new, tying their shoelaces for the first time.  Learning to ride a bike, believing in Father Christmas.  There are so many wondrous things for children to discover and learn.   I can't say I remember the first time I learnt to ride a bike or tie my shoelaces.   I was thinking about this the other day and looking at myself now and then thinking back to being a child and how much children have to learn, ok now this may sound a little sad or odd, I don't know but when I think about it it amazes me. 

One thing I do remember the wonder of seeing a womble in real life! Actually I wouldn't say the wonder as it terrified me.  To me wombles were little things I saw on TV, a few inches tall not a six foot odd giant! I remember seeing one at a carnival I went to and it traumatised me (ok possibly exaggerating now) but I was pretty scared.

These are the sort of size wombles I saw at the carnival

and these below are how they are meant to be!


The Wizard of Oz an iconic movie based on the 1900  novel.  I love it and it has been part of many peoples childhoods and will continue to be for a very long time.  Made in 1939 staring Judy Garland and still a massive hit.

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down, remember them? They were ugly things really.

Seriously, what are they all about?

Ah Willow the Wisp, I love this so much! It was the best. They really don't make kids TV like they use to!

A sad film but well know, Watership Down.

Another catchy them tune.

Now before Harry, Hermoine and Ron there was Mildred from The Worst Witch, another film I loved as a kid!  Loved the books too and still have them.

Some great memories for the letter W, I am thoroughly enjoying all this reminiscing.   How about you?


  1. I loved The Worst Witch!

  2. Your childhood memories are helped by the record of films, yet you don't remember the physical things like learning to ride a bike. The thick scab that cracked on the scraped knee, the determination to succeed. I remember that well.
    A - Z Challenge

    1. I remember riding a bike etc but I don't remember learning I'm afraid. Bad memory. You've got a great memory if you remember. I do remember hurting myself doing these things though ;)

      The programmes and game are easy to remember as they are all on the internet.

      Thanks for stopping by

  3. I can just imagine a poor child being traumatised by a giant Womble!

    Not on your list but a couple of Ws I used to love as a child are Why Don't You? and Whackaday.

    1. He he I know! Ah know, that's so annoying I had them on my list to add but still forgot!


  4. I remeber my children watching those programmes.I forgot so much of my childhood and even when mu kids were young,some of your posts are bringing things back to me.


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