Time flys when you have a good book to read eh? So week four of the Hounded read along, hope everyone is enjoying Hounded! This weeks questions have been hosted by the fabulous Jen of
Right down to business then -
1. Just after Atticus is shot, Oberon has to "ninja" his way out of the shop and into Hal's Beamer (with the icky air freshener). Have you ever been in a situation where you had to "ninja" your way out and try not to be discovered? If so, what happened?
Ok bad start can't think of any situations I have had to "ninja" my way out of???? Ermmmm, still thinking..... Oh, ok, there was one at work but it might sound really bad, it was several years ago and there was a patient who was a bit creepy and use to hassle us a lot. Me and the other nurse were on our way out and spied him so how to quickly back track on ourselves and as he was walking round one way we were sneaking out another! We were successful in our "ninja" like escape thankfully :)
2. Atticus's main goal through a large portion of the book is not only protecting Oberon, but also protecting the sword. You are now living in a paranormal world and you need a weapon! What weapon do you choose and what can it do?
That's a toughy, well as boring as it sounds I like the idea of a magical sword, just finished the last of the Sword of Truth novels by Terry Goodkind and I like the idea of a powerful sword (ooh err!). What could my sword do though? Well it could slice, dice and chop all those horrid enemies that I may have to face. The Sword of Truth had powers with in which meant it would only work when some one/thing who was a threat or danger. I feel my sword would also have some protective qualities too, so with it I could form a shield to protect myself! I also would like a wand like in Harry Potter etc, which may sound lame as it may not seem like much of a weapon but if you knew the right spells you could definitely do some damage. You could also magic up some fun stuff too!

Oh and no one point out that the image above isn't one casting a deadly spell but conjuring up shoes and handbags! LOL!
Can't think of any really weird places I have slept really. I have nearly fallen asleep when I may have been a little drunk and out for a meal. I have also slept in a hammock several times with just a tarp as a shelter over our heads! That was with Hubby and Spike the adventurer. Hammocks are so comfortable to sleep in once you get use to the fact your not going to fall out!
4. We finally find out some very interesting information about Granuaile and I don't know about you, but I certainly wasn't expecting to find that she's sharing her head with someone else. What about you, did you expect anything along those lines? If not, what were you expecting concerning Granuaile?
I was so not expecting that when I found out about Granuaile. I could sense there was something about her but her sharing her head with a very powerful witch,now that was a shocker. Thinking about it I hadn't worked out what was the case out all with her until all the truth finally came out.
5. Laksha is a witch, a truly evil one at that for many of the things she's done in the past. However, she's supposedly seen the error of her ways. Do you think she really has? Would you be willing to trust her? Do you think Atticus is smart to have decided to trust her to help him with the "other" witches?
Well thanks to Jen for the fabulous questions, as always its been fun! Looking forward to reading what others have had to say.

Oh yeah, I have snuck away from people too. You know at the market when you turn down an aisle and someone else is there and you hurry to run off. LOL!! some days I just don't feel like be ing social i guess, course the day I see people I know it usually the day I didn't bother with hair or make up! LOL.
ReplyDeleteI think a sword would be cool to have, min would have to be light tho because swining it around would make my arms tired! LOL
He he, thinking about I've avoided people for the same reason :) My sword would have to be light too, Hubby says I'm as weak as a day old kitten, LOL!
DeleteI have snuck away from people---better yet I have let people who have never met me in person talk about me in front of me without saying a word!
ReplyDeleteOh and you totally could conjure up a killer pair of shoes and handbags!
Laksha is one of my favorite characters just because she appears to never be completely upfront. I like wildcards--they are fun to read!
Can't believe you've done that, LOL! That can't of been very nice though! She is a pretty cool character Laksha definitely a wildcard.
DeleteAhhh hammock sleeping sounds so good right this very second. I need to conger some clothes due to spending every available dime on books.
ReplyDeleteOh god I'd love to conjure up lots of clothes etc etc etc LOL!
DeleteWoo! I've always seen Terry Goodkinds books around but haven't gotten to them yet! Maybe I'll check out some of your reviews to see if I should bump them up on the list! I would also love a wand from HP...preferrably the elder wand...*greedily rubs hands together*
ReplyDeleteI have to admit not done any reviews I'm afraid. It's something I'm going to start doing though. I generally enjoyed Terry Goodkinds series The Sword of Truth although at times I struggled because he could go on a bit. I actually listened to them on audiobook. I got into them after watching the series Legend of the Seeker which was based on these books. Because I loved some of the characters in it I had to finish all the books so that I could see how it all ended. I am on goodreads so I guess its about time I got my but into gear and actually reviewed some of the books I've read/listened to!
DeleteI like the sword of truth idea. In my mind, swords just kick butt anyway. They're super-cool weapons. No good against bullets for the most part but you certainly look a lot cooler wielding one than holding a boring old gun.
ReplyDeleteyour right no good against bullets but my sword would have protective qualities too so I'd have a shield from bullets etc! I would have the best sword ever, LOL!
DeleteYour right about the bullet thing but my sword would be the best ever and also be able to form a protective shield, LOL!
DeleteI suppose I have tried to get away from people I didn't want to be around, too. It's a human reaction, I think.
ReplyDeleteYeah it is a human reaction. Sometimes it just has to be done :)
DeleteI agree... sword would be so cool. Plus I love the graphic you gave. The wand is even cooler. LOL
ReplyDeleteI have always wanted a hammock. One of those huge ones to share with a nice shifter.. uh... I mean to take a nap in! LOL
I agree about Laksha. She does have her own agenda.
Hammocks are fab! So comfy and relaxing. We've got really good ones and actually spent a week camping with them! Those big ones are great but if I shared one with Hubby because of the size difference between us I'd end up rolling on to him, LOL! I suppose that might not be a bad thing *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
DeleteI don't think I could sleep in a hammock - too restless - I know I'd either end up on the floor or totally entangled.
ReplyDeleteSwords are proving to be very popular answers. Of course with extra powers, never thought about a sword with protective qualities (almost feels like cheating doesn't it but I like it - you have to do what you can to win! Like Atticus says).
Lynn :D
Yeah, I my imagination took leave when I was writing this, LOL! I can't remember who thought of it now but I like the crossbow and pink arrows! Now that was cool. You gotta have the extra powers!!! :)
DeleteLove the picture of you two dreaming! That's funny. I love hammocks.
ReplyDeleteAh thanks :) Hammocks are so comfy!
DeleteSwords definately look cool, and hay if it's magicial it can do most of the hard work for you.
ReplyDeleteI can just picture you sneaking around avoiding that patient in my head it's become a crazy comedy movie :)
He he! It was like some crazy comedy! and yeah why not make life easier with a bit of magic :) If only...
DeleteAwesome sleeping in a hammock with Spike!!! I wish I could do that!! I'll have to plan that one. I love hammocks!!! I could drift off in one anytime. I think my dog would have a fit getting into it, tho. Spike is soooooo adorable, thx for sharing the pic!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm so with you on the re-read and knowing what happends and how to answer some of these questions. I'm finding that I remember what I thought first time around, though. I really was gang-busters in love with Atticus and he could do no wrong the first time I read it so I totally trusted Laksha. :)
To be honest Spike mainly slept with Hubby or we had him on a chair all tucked up in his bed. One night bless him him managed to fall out off the chair, which kind of shocked the litte guy, but made us laugh!
DeleteYou do remember what you thought the first time. I've really enjoyed doing this read along and meeting some great bloggers. My blog isn't about books but its great discovering interesting book blogs and meeting new people :)
Awwww! I love that picture of Spike sleeping in a hammock. So cute. It's been way too long since I've napped in a hammock, but I remember it being surprisingly comfy.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd say you have some great ninja skills. I've done the same thing too when trying to avoid people I'd rather not bump into.
I am one those who are afraid that I'll end up on the floor if I sleep on a hammock. LOL! I'm truly a klutz. I've used those ninja skills too for trouble people when my patience quota is used up.
ReplyDeleteI need a wand to conjure up all sorts of things. Seriously, imagine the awesomeness that we could have....*cough cough*....I mean, scare away the baddies O_o. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE hammocks! I've only taken a nap in one once, but I do love them. If there were more trees around this desert I think I could get used to a hammock. True story.