Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Filofax Fun: Loving my Kikki K! Part 1.

Late summer 2015 I discovered a love of paper planners, more specifically Filofax's or ring style planners. I never thought I would be a paper planner type of girl but I am, BIG TIME! I have a new obsession, my planner.

*Side note: This post is called Filofax fun and technically my planner is not a Filofax but I tend to call all 6 ring binders/planners Filofax's.*

How about you, what do you use to organise your life? Are you a paper planner person or are you a sucker for Evernote or one of the other fabulous apps that are around to help you GSD? (NB:GSD - Get Shit Done).

I do love the apps out there to help keep you on top of things but they were just not working for me. I don't know if it's because I'm slowly edging closer to the big 40 but I've been doing a lot of soul searching and yeah I am an alright kind of gal but I want to be the best version of me that I can be. So I am on a quest to get my act together, in fact get my life together. There is a lot of things involved in this and I'll tell you about them another time but to help with the organisational side of things I thought I would try a paper planner.

I started with a Filofax Clipbook, moved on to a Filofax Domino and then a Malden (seriously love the Malden!) and my current love is the medium Kikki-k personal planner in yellow. I've been using this gorgeous planner since Christmas and loving it.

So what is it about a paper planner that I love? I just find them so much more inspiring, to open it up and see a cute and gorgeous spread. And then there is all the lovely inserts and sticker you can get for them. I just love it all. Now the thing is as much as I love the creative side of planning, it is a side of me I have to rein in as the whole point of a planner is to help get me organised and not to spend hours decorating it or looking for cute things for it (I have never done this, honest...).

Check out my video showing you inside the little beauty:

Hope you enjoy the video. In the next post, they'll be more pictures and some more details of my planner. Make sure you pop back to check it out. I suppose you could even think of subscribing and you'll get the post straight into your inbox.


  1. I love paper planners so much, too! But I find that using online apps is just so much easier, because I move stuff around so often. That doesn't stop me from drooling over all those gorgeous paper planners and stickers, though!

  2. Thank you for the tour. You have a very colourful and comprehensive set-up. Lovely. I started with one planner to organise my life and I think multiple planners have taken over! They are very addictive.
    Happy Planning.
    My Filofax Blog


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