Tuesday, 26 June 2012

How to edit images for your blog

In a recent post I used a fab image of a notepad which I edited with writing. See below -

This is a smaller version but it's just to show you what I did.  This lovely image was from the wonderful Shabby Blogs (SB).  Using FotoFlexer image editor, I added text to it so it looked like my own pad I'd written and doodled on.  This can be done with any image including photos.

Below are some more examples of what I've done with images -

Shabby blogs isn't the only site I use to get all these cute images from, the images I used to make the Inspirational Blogger Award are from Shabby Princess.  These particular images were a free download and they were from the digital scrapbooking kit, happy go lucky.  There are so many fabulous digital scrapbooking sites where you can download both free digital scrapbooking kits and elements as well as ones you have to pay for.  I will be updating my favourite websites page soon with all the links and sites I like to use.  To edit my images I use FotoFlexer but again there are lots of image editing sites that you can use.

So how to edit images -
  1. Find the image you want to use and download/save it to your computer.
  2. Go to FotoFlexer and choose to upload image from your computer, you can also upload photo's from a number of other sites including Photobucket, Face Book and Picasa.
  3. Using the many tools on fotoflexer you can edit the image, add text, decorate, resize or add an  effect.  
  4. Once done editing save your image to your computer and you will then be able to use it for your blog or anywhere you can upload an image.

How to make a background transparent or part of an image transparent

  1. Upload image to FotoFlexer.
  2. Click on decorate and then click on fill. 
  3. Ignore colour and just click on the transparent box.   Now click on the area you want to make transparent and you will have a transparent image to your image.

For this notebook image click on the link below that will take you to shabbyblogs site and their 
post pretties page. Here is the link for FotoFlexer.  There are so many things you can do on these editing sites.  Sometimes it takes a lot of fiddling and patience and the way I do things may not be the easiest but it's the way I have figured things out, so once again I hope this post has been helpful.  I'm no expert when it comes to things like this but feel free to contact me either through here, twitter or my email and I'll see if I can help.

*All digital scrapbooking sites and blogs have rules and they all appreciate that if you use any of their images you acknowledge where you got them from on your blog.*


  1. Thanks Kate, I'll certainly give it a try.

  2. It's quite easy but not sure if I'm explaining it that well. Hope it's clear though :)Thanks for checking out post

  3. Thanks Will definitely give it a trial

  4. Stopping by from Blogaholics. You're how-to's are great! Can't wait to try them out. Thanks!

  5. I actually hadn't heard of Shabby Blogs or Fotoflexer before - thank you for the info!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and comment.

      Shabby Blogs is amazing! I hope to do another tutorial soon, so keep your eyes peeled :)

  6. great tips! Paula

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for comment :)

  7. Thanks for the instructions. I will come back and read it again and hopefully add more photos and images to my blog. Enjoy your SITS Day.

    1. Pleasure Sheila. Thanks for stopping by, let me know when you do :)

  8. Happy SITS Day! I'm always looking for new ways to edit photos. This is great info! I'm pinning it to my blogger tips board. Meghan from http://thetastyfork.com

    1. Oh wow, thank you! Glad you found it good! Thanks for stopping by and comment :)

  9. That sounds like a fun place to try. I love playing around with images!

    1. It's one of many great places to try. Thanks for comment :)

  10. What a great tip! I love finding tips for my blog. Happy SITS Day to you!

    1. Thank you! Glad you liked my tip. Thanks for comment and stopping by :)

  11. What a great tip! I love finding tips for my blog. Happy SITS Day to you!

  12. This is awesome!! I love this, totally using it for my blog! Happy SITS day!

    1. Glad you like it and thanks for stopping by :)

  13. Great info! Especially about making something transparent! Thanks for sharing!

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    1. Thanks for stopping by and will definitely check out your giveaway


  14. I love these tips - it really helps newer bloggers :) Happy SITS Day!

    1. Glad you stopped by and liked my tips :)

  15. Great tips - will definitely check them out! Hope you are enjoying your SITS day!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and glad you enjoyed the tips :)

  16. I will definitely have to try that, thanks for sharing. I'll let you know how it goes when I do:) (ps Stopping by from SITS)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Do let me know when you try anything, would love to see what you do :)

  17. Thanks for the great tips!! Love them

    1. Thanks for stopping by, glad you like the post :)

  18. Online PhotoShop Editor is a free online photo editor with a professional touch. Fix, adjust and filter your images. Manage your images in your browser , No registration No download


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