Monday, 2 July 2012

Must Do Monday

It's the beginning of July and it's time for Must Do Monday. If you remember I introduced MDM last month and I had a 'to do list' for June. So lets do a little recap and see how I got on.....hmmm....

Junes 'to do list'

1. Discover 10 new blogs.
2. Review 2 books I have read.
3. Update my additional pages.
4. Update my 'About me' page.
5. Clean up my email inbox.
6. Catch up with my emails.

Well I hang my head in shame, I've not achieved much at all from my to do list! I've made a start on a few things but that is it! Well a very poor start to MDM! It's a new month though and I started MDM part way through June so didn't have that much time to do everthing and I've spent far to long fiddling round with blog widgets and blog designs (with no success I must confess).  Excuses, excuses! So I have another 'to do list' for July which features all of June's list and a little bit more.

Here it is -

I'm going to be a busy girl this July with all things blog like.  I have my to do list and I'm also joining in a read along which I shall tell you about soon in case anyone else wishes to join in.  Read-alongs are a great way to meet other bloggers, make new friends and discover new book blogs.

If you want to read my first post about MDM follow the link, Must Do Monday.

Do you fancy joining me on MDM! It may be that gentle push you need to get some of those jobs done that need sorting, it can be about anything but it's about getting organised. It may be that you need to get in touch with some of your social networking buddies who you've been meaning to email but haven't yet, or perhaps there's some stuff on your blog you've been meaning to get around to sorting out or it might be learning how to do something new like editing images so you can make a cute list like the one above. (check out, my 'how to' post on editing images where I tell you how I added writing to the above image).  If you want to join me then feel free to copy and paste my MDM button to put on your blog or in your post.

So hope your all having a great Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate.I'm not surpised you didn't get it all done especially as you have a real job as well.I have no excuse but I've done a few bits and bobs on my blog today that needed done.I want to read, I want to write,but there's so many other things that need my attention first c'est la vie.


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