Friday, 23 January 2015

5 on a Friday: some blog goals.

Today's 5 on a Friday are aims for my blog. Blogging is a hobby for me, something when I have chance to do it I really enjoy. I love the interaction you can have with other bloggers and through blogging I have met some wonderful people, many of which I consider friends although we have never met. I like the anonymity of it, I'm not really one who talks much about my feelings, so having my blog gives me a place to talk about stuff I would normally keep to myself, does that sound strange? Only a select few know about my blog and that's the way I like it. It's a separate thing from my day to day life, I kind of like having a secret persona.

I wish I had more time I can spend on blogging but that can often be very difficult as I work full time in a busy GP surgery as a practice nurse. I love it and I'm blessed, as the lovely ladies I work with aren't just my colleagues they're my friends too, in fact I actually work with one of my besties! How awesome is that! Saying that, there are days where we barely get a chance to talk it's so busy. But work, don't you find it can get in  the way of some of the fun stuff you like to do? Ah well I suppose that's part of being grown up and as I'm approaching my late 30's, I should be grown up, shouldn't I?

Ok, back to 5 on a Friday then:

1. If possible I would like to post at least once a week, more if possible. But can't make any promises on that one but I'm going to try. To do this I need to plan my posts and time better. I've got a few ideas lined up and just need to get my ass organised.

2. I read lots of blogs but last year was a crazy busy one and I found I read posts when I had the odd 5 minutes here and there but didn't always end up commenting. Now this ain't good, so is a definite one I'm doing something about, showing more blog love ♡.

3. I enjoy joining in with some of the fabulous linky parties that are around and want to do this more frequently. It's a great way to meet more fabulous bloggers and get your posts out there too. As you may know I love to sew (still learning) and I'm partial to a bit of handmade gorgeousness and there is so much inspiration at these parties.

4. My presence on FB and Twitter, goes in fits and starts and part of growing my blog is getting more social. I've neglected my FB Tales of me page. On that note, if any one fancies nipping over there and liking it, that would make me very happy, let me know what your pages are too so I can follow back. My links are below.

5.  Lastly by doing all of the above I hope I can start to grow my little blog community and progress further with my blogging.

With the above in mind, I'd like to ask a question, how do you do it? How do you find the time to get those fabulous posts out there so often? I think I'll just have to do what I can and see where it goes.

I have got a few more aims or goals including a bit of blog maintenance and improving my photography skills to take better pictures for my blog, but that wouldn't be 5 on a Friday would it ;)

Oh, one final thing, lets connect here are the links where you can find me:

My Tales of me page and me
Google +
Blog Lovin

I may also be joining in with some of these parties.

P.s This post by Suzie from Suzie 81 speaks A guide to blogging, gives some great tips. Take a peek, it may help you with some of your blog goals.


  1. Hi Kate,
    Sounds like you have lots of plans, and stuff in place already. I too enjoy blogging, and for a long time was in the good habit of blogging twice a week and sometimes I even managed three posts. Unfortunately, back in April last year I had an accident, and it literally knocked my feet from under me, which is when my blogging slowed and then stopped.
    Determined to get back to it this year, I set about going back to the beginning, which for me means posting my goals for the coming week up on a Sunday, and also doing a review of what I achieved in the previous week.

    I thought I'd do this throughout January, to get me back in the swing of writing posts, before I venture into posting two posts a week. The thing is, I have to have a plan. What am I going to blog about? Will it be a picture post, which means getting out and about with my camera, or phone, and capturing an image, then maybe writing about it. It really doesn't have to be a long post. Or I write about writing...
    They were my best laid plans, however, real life has got in the way, and I can hardly believe it but I am incapacitated yet again! I've been struck down with crippling sciatica, which is making life quite difficult, but I am determined to continue with my plan, although they'll be no going out to take pictures for a while yet!
    My advice to you would be, make a plan. Write a list of ideas for blog posts for the next month, then begin gathering your ideas together and writing them up. Decide which day or days you want to post, and stick with it. Readers will be disappointed if you don't post.
    Good luck!

    1. Sorry to hear you had bad accident, I realize now why I haven't seen you around Twitter etc. Sounds like it's been a tough time. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and comment. You've given me some great advice and pointers. Much appreciated. Your plan sounds great and I hope things are get better for you and look forward to see you get back to blogging. Stay positive and take care Maria.

  2. Visiting from SITS. I bet you can blog once a week! Aim to write something over the weekend and post in the early week. I've found with so many years of hobby blogging combined with my work, that posts do better on M-W. And that works with my schedule because I usually have a bit more time to start and work on a post over the weekend. Good luck!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Katy. Great advice too, I think your right, I need to be organised for the weekend. Thanks for the tips :)

  3. Hi, Kate! I looove reading about others' goals- it inspires me! You're already doing so well- you said you wanted to comment on more blogs....and that's how I met you! You also mentioned going to more parties- please consider this your permanent invitation to mine- Treasure Box Tuesday. We open every Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. Central time....I'm not positive, but I looked up a time converter, and it looks like you are 6 hours ahead of me. So we would be starting at 1:00 a.m. Tuesday your time? Ugh. :) Luckily, people link up all through the time it's open, so you certainly don't have to be there Right. Then. Bring recipes, crafts, DIY projects, writing, photography, sewing, and tips!

    I'm your newest fan on G+ and Twitter. And Facebook (Liked from my personal FB account so it will "count" for you, lol. Silly Facebook!). I look forward to more of your posts!

    1. Same here. I am doing better with commenting and socialising ;)

      The great thing is you get to meet lovely people when you do ;)

      Thanks for invite . I will be there, obviously joining at a more reasonable hour. I didn't realise that with FB. Really pleasednto have met you :)

  4. I have seen your alexa ranking and i found 58 backlinks to your site, could you please tell me how didi you got those.


❀Thanks for stopping by, I always love to here what you have to say. I like to reply to your comments and especially love it when you're NOT a "noreplyblogger" so I can email my reply to you! If you like what you read have a peek to your right for ways you can follow me and my blog❀

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