Monday, 26 August 2013

Easy mobile phone pouch

I gave myself a little break the week amidst my studying to do a quick sewing project.  Here's my mobile phone pouch tutorial take 2! This is easier and better then my first one I made, you can check it out here.. It did the job but it had flaws (and not just my sewing) in the design. With this new design, you can knock it up in a mere old half hour.

I wanted to make this pouch for a little added protection and also because its pretty,well mainly because I wanted a pretty pouch to put my phone in. Hey what can I say I love pretty things!

I already have a hard case on my phone so I didn't need a hugely padded pouch just some added protection from scratches that could happen  whilst its in your pocket or bag.

You don't need much for this project, it's really simple to make.

You need 2 pieces of fabric for the outer and the lining, I chose to do them both in the same material but it would be nice to have a different lining and outer. The white bit is just the interfacing to make it a little firmer. To close my pouch I used a small bit of ribbon to form a loop and a button.

All the material is folded in half in the picture so looks a lot smaller then they are but it's easier to cut them out like that. So basically they're double the length of what you see.

I didn't actually take any measurements I just placed my phone on the material to measure what I needed.

Take your outer material and add any embellishments to it.  I added some lace to the front of mine.  Pin the lace in place and sew it on. You may be wondering why I've pinned it so far up but that is going to be the front of the phone case as this piece of material will be folded in half in the end to form the pouch.

This next image may be clearer? 

Next attach your interfacing, mines iron on so I ironed it onto the piece of material that will be the lining.

Once that's done and you've attached your decorative bits you need to sew the lining and the outer fabric together, you just need to sew the ends together and not the sides.

Place the material right sides together and you need to sew along the ends. When you sew what will be the top end or opening you need to stitch the ribbon in which you will be using for our closure. 
Place the ribbon between the lining and the outer fabric facing downwards.  You want to place it at the end that will form the back of the pouch so at the end opposite to where you stitched the lace on.

Sew along at each end as you can see in the picture. I pinned the ribbon in place to keep it central.  This was the only picture I took at this point so obviously you wouldn't have the that flap of material folded back.

When you fold the material the right way round you should find the ribbon is poking out from the seam. 

You now have a long strip of fabric, one side will form the outer of the pouch and the other will form the lining.

 Fold the fabric in half so that the right sides facing are facing each other. Make sure all the edges are line up correctly and then sew along each edge.

Turn your pouch the right way round and there you have it, all you need to do now is sew on your button in the correct place.

You now have a very cute mobile phone pouch!

I hope you liked the tutorial. It really quick and easy project! So get sewing! For newbie sewers like me, it's a great project to practice your skills.  I've seen some really cute fabric I hope to treat myself too on pay day, I shall definitely be making another pouch with it.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Suzie, I was pleased how it turned out.


  2. Very cute Kate. I'm sewing a chiffonny long swim robe thingy just now by hand taking up hem and sewing up split sides that are a bit revealing and it's driving me mad.

  3. Hi Kate. You stopped over at my blog from SMW and left a comment but did you know you are a no reply commenter. My gain because I found you here. Love this little mobile phone pouch. Great start to sewing and a lovely tutorial. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. Very pretty. And what a great way to protect your phone. So many thing get damaged when I throw them in my bag. Thanks for the idea.

    Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a lovely weekend.


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