Thursday, 9 May 2013

I survived! Reflections of my first A to Z challenge

Well hello again people! I have had over a week off from blogging after the hectic month of April and participating in the blogging from A to Z April challenge   I can proudly say I survived it.  I have to say there were a couple of touch and go moments where I thought I might just have to give it all up but I couldn't, I had to make sure I stuck with it to the bitter end.

Aside the odd one or two (more like several) stressful moments,  I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the challenge.  If I'd been a little more organised then I would have enjoyed the whole experience but along side the challenge, April was a busy month for me personally so trying to fit everything in wasn't so easy.  I got through it all though and met some lovely bloggers.

I was really happy with the topic I chose, the A to Z of childhood memories.  I really enjoyed the research for my posts, reminiscing back to my childhood and to 1980's in general.  Lots of fabulous memories of my life and the era itself. There was so much I had forgotten but writing these posts was a great memory jogger.

If you missed any of the posts or have just discovered my blog and fancy a jaunt down memory lane then click on the links below.

A is for Arlee Bird, Anne and aristocats.
B is for best friend
C is for carboot sales, computers, CD's and children's TV
D is for dog bed. Err what???
E is for escaping
F is for family, friendship and food poisning
G is for growing up and ghosts
H is for having fun.
I is for imagination
J is for junior school
K is for Kate, yep that's me!
L is for love, loss, libraries and lacrosse
M is for Mother.
N is for Nan.
O is for Oh dear, oh wise one and origami.
P is for perms, potions and the Puffin book club.
Q is for quarrel.
R is for Roald Dahl and rubber collections.
S is for Staffey, sweet shop and stationery love.
T is for tom boy, toys and the test card girl.
U is for underwear and unbelievable.
V is for vocation.
W is for wonder and lots of fabulous children's programmes.
X is for Xbox and xtra bits.
Y is for being young.
Z is for zoomania.

So question is, I survived the challenge of 2013 but will I do it all again next year?

...Hmmm...... You know what I think I will, although I reserve the right to take that back if necessary.  I had already been warned by my lovely friend Anne Mackle who also participated in the challenge (I recommend you checking out her blog, her posts for the challenge were brilliant) about being organised with posts but I wasn't.  If I do it next year I will most definitely do my best to be better organised so I can avoid those stressful moments of panic and wanting to tear my hair out.

Some other brilliant bloggers who did some fabulous posts during the A to Z challenges are Donna from, Marie from and Hannah  I'm very excited as Hannah is holding a mug swap.  I have never done any kind of pressie swap so looking forward to it.  Another great way to meet fellow bloggers.

So it's all back to normal on the Tales of me.  I'm hoping to explore more of the crafty side of me and I haven't done any 'How to' posts in a while, ooh also got a blog award during the A to z challenge so I better get to that too.  If anyone knows about some newish blogs I'd love to hear about them as it was the Liebster award so need to find some blogs to pass it on to...


  1. If i do it next year it will probably be another spontaneous decision!

    1. I know, I have an aim but we shall see... I don't do organised very well ;)

  2. Thanks for the mention Kate. I loved your posts as they reminded me of my children's childhood now that's making me feel really old so we'll skip by it.
    I wasn't going to do it this year,hubby said I wasn't to do it so that tells you what last year was like. Being organised makes it a pleasant experience. I shall be remaining you that in February next year.

    1. Thanks Anne, I did enjoy it overall its just a shame I didn't get more organised and April was such a busy month. I would like to do it next year but be organised. If I did it and wasn't organised I think Pete would kill me ;)



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