Monday, 6 April 2015

The Crafty Side of Me: Sew Mamma Sew's Fairly Bucket Bag Tutorial

In my last 5 on a Friday I talked about some of the things I do wrong when it comes to sewing. One of things I said I wanted to do more of to help me improve my skills was to have a go at more of the fabulous tutorials that there are available.

So I tackled the Fairly Bucket Bag by Kirsten from Sew mamma sew

Image from Sew Mamma Sew
This is a fantastic tutorial and easy to follow. I am still quite a newbie when it comes to sewing and I think people of all capabilities could tackle this tutorial no problem.

I was so happy with how my bag turned out, what do you think?

This is the first time I had a go at sewing an internal zipper pocket. I have to admit I had to unpick my first attempt and the material I used for the lining of my bag wasn't great which added to my corners not being as crisp as I like.  I don't think it is really meant for the linings of bags but it is all I had that went with my exterior fabric.

I definitely feel happier about adding internal pockets to bags that I make and hopefully will do a better job.

A little bit more about the tutorial. You are given a comprehensive list of the tools and supplies needed followed by clear instructions of what to do. The tutorial is broken down into parts and Kristen takes you through each step thoroughly from cutting the fabrics to completing the bag. At first glance you may think, eek there's a lot to this bag. But actually there's not and the fact that it's broken down into sections really helps.

I really enjoyed following this tutorial, it was a fantastic way to learn and I can use that knowledge when I am designing my own things.

Ok so what went well?

I manage to sew a fabulous bag! My sewing is improving and I am getting neater.

What didn't go as well?

I did mess up a few things and ended up making my bag smaller as I had to trim it down because of my rubbish cutting skills and somehow I ended up putting more eyelets in.

I also only had a certain amount of the fabulous deer print fabric and in addition to that I didn't plan out the pattern of the fabric very well. So what I initially planned to be the front of the bag, ended up being at the back as I wanted the cute deer in glasses more visible, this means the internal pocket is at the front of the bag rather then the back. Well I could have it either way I just need to change where the chord comes out.

Lastly the webbing is a little to thin and flimsy so I am going to buy some sturdier webbing which will be so much better and I can easily change it.

All in all an excellent tutorial and I really recommend giving it ago. The end result, a gorgeous and usable bag. I am looking forward to tackling another tutorial, it's a good job I have a plethora of them on Pinterest. Need some inspiration? Check out my boards Inspiration to make and Bags and purses.

I'll be joining in lots of linky parties. Click on link or tab in menu bar to see which ones and may be join in too? Link and party!

Happy sewing

Click on link to see where I party.


  1. I think it looks great Kate,well done!

    1. Thanks Anne, I love it. I'm pleased that I manage it.

  2. Your bag looks great, Kate, well done. Love the deer fabric x

    1. Thanks Suzy. The fabric is really cute isn't it. xx

  3. That turned out really cute!

    1. Thank you. I'm really pleased with it. It's fab tutorial to follow. Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. I think your bag is really cute! Thank you for sharing with Idea Box link party! Hope to see you again next Thursday!

    1. Thanks Christy. Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by. I will definitely be joining in again, it was a great linky.

  5. Great looking bag! My daughter has just got her first sewing machine. I might show her this blog post for extra inspiration!

    1. It's cute in it. When I saw it on Sew Mamma Sew I just had to give it a go. Oh please do and I hope it inspires her. A really recommend the bucket bag tutorial.

  6. It's cute, and it looks good, too. Thanks for linking up and sharing with us at Funtastic Friday. I hope you can make it again this week.

    1. Thanks Sherry, I love it, so pleased how it turned out.


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