(A little note before I start, not sure what's gone wrong but the font has decided to change part way through this post and some of the spacing isn't right (also some spelling errors) ???? I have posted this taken it down, fiddled and fiddled but can't work it out so I've given up.)
A few weeks ago I was very chuffed to be given my first blog award, see below -

It's taken me a little while to write this post as I've been a busy bee so firstly apologies to the lovely Anne Mackle who nominated me for the award. At the time I got the award Hubby and I had just received a letter that well and truly closed the door on our baby dreams (but that's another tale) so understandably I was feeling pretty damn miserable it. So my first award couldn't of come at a better time. Quite a lot has been written in blogs for and against awards Some say they are like chain letters, some who have established blogs with many followers have so many they don't want anymore but most say they just create work for the recipient. Me? I think blog awards are fab and you may think it's a little sad but since I found out about them I have wanted one. So yes many people dislike blog awards and some go as far as to say they hate them, but I am in agreement with Anne, I find them fun and are like getting/giving a virtual pat on the back. It's always nice to know someone thinks you deserve one and they are reading and enjoying what you write. Now there is a little bit of work involved when you have been given an award but I think it can be a fun way to find way to get to know more about your favourite bloggers.
The rules
1.Thank and link back to the person who nominated you.
2. Answer 10 random questions.
3. Share 10 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 7 worthy blogs for the Kreative Blog Award.
So first things first, thank you so much to the delightful Anne, you made my day with this award (anyone would think I'd won an oscar). Follow the link to her blog Is Anyone There and enjoy! Ok down to the nitty gritty now.
Some random questions
1. What's your favourite song?
Over different stages of my life I have had many favourite songs but for me I haven't got an all time favourite one. There are different songs that represents different stages of my life. That's what I love about music, hearing a song or a piece of music can evoke so many different emotions and memories. Ok I shall stop babbling and on this occasion I am going to choose a Take That song, Rule the world. This is the song we had played at our wedding while we were signing the marriage certificate. When I hear just the first few words of the song it makes my hear swell and brings a smile to my face along with many happy memories.
2. What's your favourite desert?
Now as sweet as I am, lol I am more of a savoury person, eg if I had to choose between starter or desert it would be starter for me but a nice desert is always good. But if I had to pick a dessert I actually really like a simple old madeira cake or some sort of sponge cake. That sort of things goes down rather well with a nice cup of tea. A bit boring I know but hey it's what I like. Answering this question has just made me think of my grandparents, they always use to have angle cake in their house, lovely memories.
3. What ticks you off?
The usual things like like animal cruelty or people who are cruel people in general, disrespectful people but theese things go without saying. In day to day life one of the things that gets my goat is when you're sitting in traffic and people leave big gaps and just creep along rather then just driving forward and wating in the cue. These people frustrate me. Sorry if anyone reading this is one of those people. I could list a few more things but I only need to provide one and that would make me look like a right grumpy puss.
4. What do you do when you get upset?
Hubby laughs at me because I often get teary eyed at movies or programmes and when something sad is on he always looks at me to see if I'm slyly trying to wipe away tears without anyone noticing. When I get really upset though I tend to try and hide it, I'm not one to cry publicly , I feel awkward crying in front of people. My aversion to crying publicly makes life difficult when watching films/TV because of my tendency to cry at the sad ones.
5) What's your favourite pet?
Pooches win hands down for me. It's that cliche 'dogs are mans best friend'. For me a home isn't quite a home without a dog in it.
6) What do you prefer black or white?
Black, it comes down to that same old thing, its more slimming when it comes to clothes. Although a combination of black and white can be quite cute...
9. What is your biggest fear?
Like Anne my biggest fear is loosing someone or more specifically the ones I love dying. Now I know there is nothing I can do about it and dying is all part of life but it's one of my biggest fears.
10. What is your attitude mostly?
Hubby laughs at me because I often get teary eyed at movies or programmes and when something sad is on he always looks at me to see if I'm slyly trying to wipe away tears without anyone noticing. When I get really upset though I tend to try and hide it, I'm not one to cry publicly , I feel awkward crying in front of people. My aversion to crying publicly makes life difficult when watching films/TV because of my tendency to cry at the sad ones.
5) What's your favourite pet?
Pooches win hands down for me. It's that cliche 'dogs are mans best friend'. For me a home isn't quite a home without a dog in it.
6) What do you prefer black or white?
Black, it comes down to that same old thing, its more slimming when it comes to clothes. Although a combination of black and white can be quite cute...
9) What is your biggest fear?
Like Anne, my biggest fear is loosing someone, or more specifically the ones I love dying. Now I know there is nothing I can do about it and it's something we all have to deal with but that is one of my biggest fears.
8) What is your attitude mostly?
Generally I'm a pretty happy and positive person, life can get hard at times but I feel you just have to get on with it. Now that doesn't mean I don't like to blow off steam or when I have a problem it doesn't get to me. Recent events have left me with a lingering heavy feeling in my heart which is taking me a little bit longer then normal to move on from. I'll get there, it just takes time.
8) What is perfection?
Hubby would say him and just to keep him happy I'll agree but really...
When thinking of perfection I think of certain situation, such as being on a beautiful walk with Hubby and Spike, a nice summers evening on a canoe down a river or having a lovely day/evening out where your relaxing with friends or family. Now this might make me sound like a right saddo when I say this but I was having a lie in and cuddling up with Spike when I thought 'our this is perfect'. Sad huh? Ah well my dog means a lot to me and if that makes me sound like a mad dog lady, so be it.
9) What is your guilty pleasure?
I haven't grown up yet I still enjoy children's programmes and young adult (YA) ones too. Examples The Wot Wots, Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl and there are many more. I enjoy reading YA books too.
The above clip made me and Hubby laugh. It's just are mentality. This is a programme aimed at toddlers but come on watch the clip, this is more for the parents amusement.
Right that's the questions answered so here's 10 random facts about me.
1) I have two tattoos
2) My family is Anglo-Indian, both my parents were born in India.
3) One of my claim to fame's was meeting Spit the dog.
4) From the age of 5 to around 10ish I was the envy of many of my school chums as
my parents owned a sweet shop then and we use to live above it.
5) I'm finding this part quite difficult.
6) Hubby proposed to me on the Rialto Bridge in Venice.
7) I once learnt to play the guitar and flute but soon discovered music wasn't one of
my talents.
8) I went swimming before work the other morning and to go there wear my costume under
my uniform. Unfortunately on this occasion I forgot to bring knickers with me so had to go
without, oops!
9) Since living with Hubby it appears I have forgotten how to cook and have managed to ruin
even a simple fried breakfast.
10) You may of noticed reading my answers that I can't just give a straight answer :0)
Now the final rule is to nominate 7 worthy bloggers for the Kreativ blog award. On this occasion I'm actually not going to do this part, the reason being the people I want to nominate have deservedly either been given this award too or have very recently been nominated for another award and had to answer questions for that. So what I have done is designed an award (when I say designed it's not a new idea but I made the actual award) of my own, which is just an award with no rules attached to it. I shall be passing this on to 4 very fabulous and worthy bloggers instead.
Here it is:
The lovely ladies I have given this award to our very worthy of it, please follow the links and see for yourself.
Donna Trinder is a Mother of two and also has the pleasure of MS. She is an aspiring author, has a fantastic blog and also blogs for the MS Society. Her posts really are inspirational. She has been a great friend and although we have never met I consider her one of my very close ones.
Anne Mackle is a talented writer and you can read some of the stuff she's written on her blog. Anne has written many an inspirational post on her blog and always has wise words to offer when you need support.
Sarah Trinder is not only a mummy, she has a fantastic blog and in 2013 her debut novel will be coming out, a vampire trilogy which I can't wait to read. Sarah is an inspiration, she followed her dreams, worked hard and it's all paid off.
Suzie Tullett another inspirational women. Mother, author, blogger. She does it all. With one published novel under her belt and many more to come I'm sure.
I met Donna through the MS Society forums and Anne, Sarah and Suzie through Twitter. I am very lucky to have had the pleasure of getting to know and become friends with these four inspirational ladies.
I hope you enjoyed reading my answers and learning more about me, although I'm sure some of it you'd rather not know (the knicker incident, lol!)

Hi Kate,how clever are you making an award? thank you very much and so good I don't have to do anything for it. I loved reading more things about you ,it's really hard trying to come up with things. Your answer about music if funny because I've just posted a post along similar lines also son had a Spit the dog puppet. I'm so glad to be the first to give you an award I don't think I could ever become bored of them as it means your name has popped into someone's head except my surname is "Mackle" lol!! I'm so glad to have got to know you too.
ReplyDeleteHi Anne, I know I'm so sorry about your surname, I was getting stressed with blogger and ended up making a few mistakes, what do you think of Mackey though? ha ha! I corrected that now. It is hard to come up with things sometimes isn't it. That was strange about the Music, I've seen you post its fab. Weird though, huh! Yeah I don't think I would get bored of them either.
Ah thanks, Kate. How very lovely of you.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to blog awards, I'm with you. I think they're a bit of fun and readers get more of an insight as what makes the blogger tick. And on a more serious note, I think the point of them is to increase awareness that our blogs exist - whether it works or not, who knows?
By the way, I hated Spit the Dog when I was growing up. Never got what was funny about him! x
Kate I forgot to say ,thank you for your lovely words about me I am overwhelmed.
ReplyDeleteThanks for comment Suzie. So you're not impressed with my claim to fame! LOL! He was but rubbish wan't he, ha ha! I decided to make my own award as I wasn't sure people would want to answer more questions and it also seems I need to widen my horizons and discover more blogs. Some of the blogs I follow don't accept awards as well.
ReplyDeleteI'll be doing my post for Beautiful Blogger later.
Hope you're having a great Saturday.