Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Blogging from A to Z, O is for Oh dear, Oh wise one and Origami

Oh dear indeed.  I've hit a wall! I've tried and tried and I can not for the life of me think of memories beginning with O! The only thing I remembered was origami fortune tellers.  Did you ever make them?

The image is from Skip to my lou blog.  It's a freebie that can be download to help you and your kids decide what to do in holidays.  Click on the link above if you want to check it out.

When we did it at school we use to do it about 'love' related topics.  We'd put boys names on it and places we might live, how many children we would have, all sorts of stuff.  Just a bit of fun, to make it more mean would sometimes put a boy we didn't like into the mix.

 That leads to me to, Oh wise one? You may start to realise I'm clutching at straws, trying to do my letter O post! As kids we often looked to the powers that be and use to have a number of fortune telling games we would play to see what our future holds (straws, holding on tightly to them, he he!)  The next method of fortune telling we used was twisting the stalk off an apple, saying a letter of the alphabet each time and when the stalk came off the letter was the name of your love.  We never tugged it a little harder at the letter we wanted, honest...

File:Apfel 05.jpg

Then there was one with cards.  You would name each of the Kings a boys name you fancied, then ask different questions.  You would keep laying down cards in front of each king and when the cards matched the suit of the king the answer would be that  boy.  Now this is where my memory fails me, I can't quite remember how it worked but we would put aside one of the aces and at the end of the fame we would turn it over and that would be who your were going to marry.

File:King playing cards.jpg

Did you have an fortune teller games you use to play?  How about any memories from you childhood beginning with O?

I promise to do better with tomorrows post...  Well lets hope so...


  1. I remember those fortune tellers!!! You used to write 'rude' ones like 'you smell' inside!!. And I remember orange ice-lollies ..we had an ice cream van with chimes that stopped outside my house. Orange Mivvis! I think they had ice cream inside. Those are my 'O's.

    1. oh god your right carol, orange ice lollies! We use to have oranges maid or something like that

  2. Yes I remember those.We were also told if you sat at a mirror and peeled an apple ,threw the peel over your shouldre it would spell the initial of your future husband,why did we belive that?
    There are some letters that are so hard Kate,wait til you read mine,lol!

    1. Yep this was one of them for me Anne, I still not sure of X and Z but we shall see...

      He he all these funny superstitions :)

      Will be reading yours soon :)

  3. Yeah, we are hitting the more challenging portion of the alphabet now. Going to be tricky. But I like this post =). It brings back some very good memories. We did the flower trick, he loves me, he loves me not. And chain letters (the handwritten kind) were very popular.

    1. Definitely, there's a few letters I have planned but some now I'm like eek! Oh yeah forgot the flower trick.

      I thought I was scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one ;)

  4. Loved making those fortune tellers. I just loved the movement of it! We started off with colours and numbers, then moved on to boy's names and rude things!

    1. Me too, the movement was good wasn't it. Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. I could never make those darn paper things but my friends could and we played them all the time. I wonder if i should have a go again! Teach midge a thing or two! We played a game called MASH...don't ask!


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