Tuesday, 27 October 2015

A little introduction to me. First ever Vlog!

Hey Guys,

It's been a while since my last post and today I'm sharing with you something new...

Today's post is going to be in the form of a Vlog! Eeek! Yes that's right for some mad reason I decided to film myself. I just felt like mixing things up a bit on The Tales of Me and trying something new.

Now if you've read some of my previous posts you know that I love watching things on You Tube. I really enjoy seeing how people organise their lives, set up the planners even their stationary and shopping hauls.  I just find it really interesting. I know you can have your pictures in blogs and write about things but there are times when it's just easier or nice to show someone i.e, in a video.  I'm not sure if you do but if you fancy it, check out my video and get to know me a little bit better and hear about why I decided to jump out of my comfort zone and do a Vlog.

Enjoy! (Hopefully...)

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