Friday, 12 April 2013

Blogging from A to Z, K is for Kate yep that's me!

We're on letter K today.  Through my A to Z posts I hope you are getting to know me a little bit better although it's the slightly mad side of my childhood I'm telling you about so I hope you don't think I'm to strange...  So K is for Kate, yep that's me.  So a few random facts about me.

The first thing to tell you is I am just Kate, not Katherine, Katerina or Kaitlyn. I was christened plain old Kate. Anyone who has checked my blog out before will know I was born on the 8th April so have just celebrated my thirty *cough* birthday. I was actually born on Good Friday.

Over my school years I dabble with playing 2 musical instruments, the flute for a short lived 6 months and the guitar for a longer run of 3 years, although it has to be said in those 3 years I appeared to master very little.  Another hobby I took up was Karate and made it all the way to my purple belt but after that had enough.  A shame really as I just had red and brown and then I would of been a black belt!  So from a young age a pattern was forming, starting things up but never continuing.

Life has been far from perfect and my childhood wasn't all fun but we're not here to focus on the bad stuff we want to talk about all the fun stuff!  As I say it wasn't all perfect but I would still say I had a happy childhood and if you have read my other A to Z posts, I have lots of lovely memories of it.  It is funny looking back at things and thinking of the little girl I was and the woman I am now.

Last night I had a bit of a rummage round and manage to dig out some old photo's, so here's a further glimpse into my childhood.

I can't remember having this picture but I'm really pleased to have come across it. Here's a picture of my Mum whilst pregnant with me. 

Now for some baby pictures, I know I've got some great ones I wanted to share but I think they must be up in the loft.

It looks like this was my 2nd birthday

Here's one of my parents and I and then of Daddy's girl.  I loved that teddy bear, it was a freebie from my Dad's job at the time, he was working in a building society. 

No idea how old I am here but the one underneath is my Holy Communion.


My class from St Mary's Infants school. I do remember playing kiss chase with some of these boys!  Well I remember playing it in infants school although sometimes the boys would be a bit scared of me in case I gave them a quick punch for trying to kiss me! 

From the TV archives

Today I have King Rolo for you

I'll be back tomorrow with the letter L, hmm what memories can I dreg up for that one I wonder...


  1. I really love the furniture in the photos...I feel like buying them, especially the floral deckchair! (but that could just be sleep deprivation talking)

    1. Ha ha! Think you might be sleep deprived, lol!

  2. Lovely photos! It's not unusual to try things and then move on to others. Sometimes things that started out as fun, turn into a chore. Life's too short : ))

    1. Ah thank you. I had great fun looking through my photo box although there is definitely some disasters in there!

      Life is definitely to short to waste your time on things you don't like ;))

  3. We are twins! I was born on Good Friday and just turned 30 also. Another April Fool's baby :)

    Also, I am Kate- but Kathryn.

    Happy Belated!

    1. Excellent1 Except I think I wasn' t clear with my thirty *cough* he I'm actually 36! Eeek! Happy belated to you too!


  4. Hi, love those photos. I was going to be named after my Grandma Kate for my middle name, but mum decided to change it to Kathryn. Kate's a good name :-)

    Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain

  5. Ah I remember those pregnancy smocks. My daughter will be 30 next March and I just can't believe she's that age. Her Anne is Karen but we sometimes call her Katie. You were so cute! Your your communion dress is gorgeous,how I envied those girls in their white dresses.

    1. He he thanks Anne. I can't believe I'm now heading on my way to 40 now. Well in 4 years but still it's getting closer.

      If I remember rightly my Aunt made it for me.

  6. Cute pictures! It's sometimes fun to remember all that once we start digging through pictures.

    1. Thanks Danielle, it is great fun although it's a bit scary looking at some of my dodgy makeup/clothes choices, he he!

  7. I'm gutted I don't know hardly any of these vintage cartoon shows, they look so cool. I went to school called St. Marys, loved it there. I also start and give up things. I learned piano for about 5 months or so then ditched it. I joined the hockey team for a month and then went off so I didn't have to get smashed up by some all girls school lol.
    Nice to know more about you and love the photos xx
    ps Don't forget to mail/DM me your address for the Mug Swap :)

    1. Ah thank you. I recommend getting on to you tube and watching them, they're all great!

      It's great meeting all these lovely new bloggers :)

      I shall send you my details now :)


  8. Tut - my comment sent from my phone didn't publish...anyway, I said what lovely photos! so nice to see all these parts of your life!

    1. It's so annoying isn't it. My samsung phone sometimes does or doesn't as the case may be either,


  9. I don't think I have ever seen those photos of us!!! Love them BFF xxx


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