Monday, 18 June 2012

Introducing Must Do Monday

Must Do Monday? What's this you ask? This is a new feature I am introducing, you may see it pop up every so often.  Today MDM involves my 'to do list'.  I have a few blogger linked things I need to be doing and haven't yet got round to so I decided to do a 'to do list' to work on.  I'm a serial list maker.  Making all the lists I do you think I would be super organised but sadly no.  Hubby says if I spend less time making lists and more time doing I'd get more achieved! I don't know if your a person who makes list but people seem to love lists.  From the super organised types to the ones that use lists as a way of procrastination (I'd like to point out the latter isn't me, I just find lists help) (Hubby disagrees and thinks that Kate is a grade one procrastinator. Luv to all, Hubby).  They are all around us, they're on T.V, in books, magazines and the internet. You get top tens to top 100s, worst things and best things.  Lists are also a common feature on many blogs, people write lists of facts about themselves, their favourite things, things that drive them mad, the list goes on and on! LOL! Just type "I love lists" in to google and see how much comes up.  My 'to do list' is for things I'd like to get done by the end of June.  Have you got things you want to get done to do with your blog, outstanding jobs you haven't quite got round to or like me,  people you need to email and catch up with but haven't got round to yet?  Join me on Must Do Monday and right it down and then see what you can achieve.  If there's things you need to do then let me know in the comments field that you are joining me in getting organised and feel free to copy and paste my MDM button on to your blog. It's surprising how much time you need to blog, keep up to date with your emails, all your social network buddies and  then there's work that gets in the way, for the mother's out there they have their mother duties and then for those who are writers, well, you need to find time to write too. Ahh so much to list so little time.

Here's my to do list -

p.s The gorgeous graphics I have used in this post and to make my MDM blog button are from the fabulous website check out their site and blog.  On their blog there's loads of great stuff, even some tips about photography and using photo editing sites.  Oh did I mention it's all free!

Oh and lastly Hubby often reads through blog to pick up on any spelling errors and that is his own comment he added in blue!


  1. I could not be any more jealous. Of your blog! I can't get my head round all the shabby blogs stuff!

    I'm a list maker too! Never get it all done! Xx

  2. There's no need to be jealous, your blog's lovely. Something for my to do list in the future is something I've been meaning to do a page or post explaining how to do some of the things I have. If I can do it so can you ;)

    I do spend too much time trying to make pretty pictures lol! If there's anything you want me to do just ask.


  3. I have no idea how you put that photo of the notepad on without it looking like a photo,if you know what I mean. I never make lists apart from shopping then I never remember to take it with me. I do make lists for my blog if I think of something I write it down because if I don't it leaves my mind forever.

  4. Anne it was really easy to do. It's and image from Shabby blogs adn I edited it on fotoflexer and then added image to post. I'm going to be doing some posts explaining how to do things like that. Working on that now.


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