The Tales of Me

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Planning and Organisation: Some of my favourite You Tubers...

Hey peeps!

It's been a miserable Bank Holiday weekend in the UK, pretty much non-stop rain. The rain hasn't stopped poor Hubby being outside to build our new bed. Yep that's right he's building our new bed. While moving furniture around the other weekend the bed actually fell on it's side and broke. We did need a new bed but hadn't planned on doing it quite yet but hey I'm really excited to see the finished bed. I will be sharing with you what Hubby did once he has finished it all.

Here's poor Hubs under his temporary shelter, I feel bad that while he's out in the rain, I'm sitting her blogging in the dry:

and all of these are going to be magicked into our lovely new bed...

With my housework done and the miserable weather outside I thought it would be the perfect time to grab a coffee and write a post. So now you nip to the kitchen and grab yourself a beverage and settle down to read on...

I have mentioned to you how I love to watch You Tube, from videos about nursing and medical stuff (for work) to crafts and sewing. My favourite ones to watch at the moment are about planners. My obsession with planners hasn't subsided and may be getting worse lol! So I am going to share with you some of my favourite You Tubers, I think these ladies are great and I find their videos so helpful and motivational. They make me want to go out and buy beautiful planners get myself organised.

So in no particular order let me introduce you to these lovely ladies, I have attached links to their You Tube profile, blogs and playlists.

First up we have Chloe Murray, according to her blurb on You Tube, she is a Graduate from South East England and currently Vlogs as a much loved hobby. You can also find her at her blog
Chloe's thoughts

I wish I had been as organised as Chole when I was a student. I have mentioned previously it was Chloe who introduced me to the Filofax Clipbook which I saw in one of her Vlogs.

Next up is this lovely lady, Alexis aka Miss Trenchcoat a 20 something Content Creator and Entrepreneur. She has a ton of videos on planning, organisation and productivity. According to Alexis, her channel is where lifestyle and productivity meet. Her blog Strange and Charmed has lots of fantastic content too. If you are considering setting up an online business or becoming an entrepreneur yourself she has some great advice (I'm not, I watch it for other tips). She also has a shop where you can buy and download lots of planner goodies she has designed for planner stickers and inserts to a hole planner.

Another fab lass is Haley Cairo. I love her planner videos. One I recently watched has given me a great idea, which does involve having another planner (only a small one) for budgeting. Haley's spiel she says
" I strive to be my best self and to help and empower others through healt, fitness, beauty, DIYs and organisation."

Here is her video on how she uses her pocket Finsbury Filofax as a wallet and budget binder.

Next we have another UK lass, Amy from Amy Hacks Life and you can also find her at her blog. She posts tutorials on How to's, life hacks, lifestyle advice, beauty and style and all sorts of other stuff. She even talks about bullying and how to cope with it.

Here are some links to more Vloggers I like to watch:
Miss Vicky BeeMy Planner
Papered Love
Organized Jen

Lastly I leave with you with a playlist of videos to drool over by Kikki K. Beware stationery addicts, so much cuteness!

That's it from me. Check out some of these vloggers, I'm sure you will find something amongst their playlists which you'll find interesting or helpful.

This week I'll be joining in with the following blog parties:

Too Cute Tuesday @ Funky Polkadot Giraffe
Idea Box @ Mila's little things.
Funtastic Friday @ Olives n Okra
Home Matters @ Life with Lorelai
Saturday Sharefest @ The SITS Girls

Let me know if you know about any other great parties to join in with.


  1. Thanks for your list - I shall be on YT later to check out all the videos I haven't seen already. I have a Filofax obsession rather than a stationery one and have hopped over here from Philofaxy.
    Happy Planning

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I am obsessed with all of it, love my Filofaxes!


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