The Tales of Me

Friday, 28 August 2015

5 on a Friday: reasons why my dad is awsome

It's been a while since I've done a 5 on a Friday and today's is a special one. A month go my fabulous dad turned 80! So in honor of him here are 5 reasons why my Dad is awesome:

1) He's not afraid of a challenge and to take on something new. From a very young age he had always wanted to fly a glider. As a surprise for his 78th birthday we organised a flight for him. He was so chuffed. On the day he got to fly he was so excited and absolutely loved it. The people he did it with were really good and he actually got a longer flight then we paid for.

2) He is extremely supportive of me in all I do, from my career and studies to my little craft/sewing projects. When I was at school/college and I had course work or an essay I was struggling with he would be there for support and guidance or even just to make me a coffee to help me stay awake.

3) When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis he was devastated ( as well as my mum obviously), I hated the fact it broke their hearts. All along though, both him and my mum have been great pillars of strength and support.n When we didn't know how bad things were going to get and I was having real serious health troubles, it was at a stage in our lives that we had all reached a crossroads and together we made the decision that they would sell up and move in with us so that if my health took a turn for the worse they would be around to help. I am pleased to say  my health has significantly improved and the treatment I am on has worked wonders to the point where I'm pretty much back to normal (more or less).

4) Many years ago when I was around 10ish my brother use to own a Jeep. I'm not sure if this is/was actually allowed (I suspect not) but my Dad would take us to a local "grassy area" (I shan't say more than that)  where he would drive up and down at a reasonable speed with the roof down while me and my friend were sitting in the back. I actually think there were times we were standing up too. It was so much fun! To hell with health and safety, I say.

5) He does the fumiest things. For example when I have Christmas decorations up he will randomly come and move the Santas or reindeers into funny positions. Or we'll be out shopping together and he'll put something random or silly in the trolley such as this cushion when we were all buying paint at a hardware store.

So there you have it, 5 of many reasons why my Dad is awesome.

You can catch me at these Blog parties:

Funtastic Friday at Olives and Okra
#HomeMattersParty at Life with Lorelai
Saturday Sharefest @ The SITS Girls

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