Wednesday 24 July 2013


Hey my friends,

Wow  I'm tired.  Today was examination day!
It was my OSCE, for those who don't know what that its. I had to do 2 of 4 random 'stations'. Mine was cardiovascular and abdominal. You go in and there is the examiner and a patient/actor. You have half an hour to take a history, do a physical examination and decide on diagnosis.  Well sounds ok maybe but it is mega nerve racking! It is amazing how quick half an hour goes.

Do I think I passed?
Unfortunately not, I took to long in my history taking and nearly run out of time on both so the last part of my examinations were rushed and for one of them actually missed bits.  The first examiner said I did well and my problem was I ran out of time. The 2nd on didn't say anything. Although I did some things well I don't think I've done enough to pass.

So I should get my results in 2 weeks, I can resit if I don't pass one or the other or either.  Just have to wait and see.  But for now now I just have to get my but in gear and focus on my essay which I thankfully got an extension on but I plan to get it all done by next week so I can get it checked by tutor etc. Just want to get it out of the way.

I'm looking forward to getting back to blogging more regularly got a few posts lined up.  and desperately wants to do a bit of sewing!

Well that's it for tonight, just a little update now time to switch my brain off and catch up on some of my programmes, hmmm I think a bit of 90210 *Hubs is now rolling eys and calling me a saddo*

Ok I'll be back soon so hang in there, oh and when all my work is done I want to celebrate with a give away, so keep your peepers peeled!

p.s I hope there is not more spelling mistakes I am very tired, think I have corrected them all now.

Saturday 13 July 2013

A quick hello

Hey peeps!

Wow I feel so out of it all.  I miss writing on my blog and I miss being able in contact with all my blog buddies.  I hope you are all well.  It's all been pretty busy and stressful in the Rigby household but that's life eh.  I'm hoping to get back to my blog in a few weeks, so for anyone who enjoyed reading my posts please hang in there I will be back soon...

Take care of your selves and I hope your enjoying all this wonderful sunshine we've been having.

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