The Tales of Me

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Back to blogging and Etsy shop love.

Oh my it has been forever since I have actually blogged, I have completely neglected my blog for the best part of this year. Why? Well I have been dabbling with You Tube and just not been in the right mood for it. Things are all changing now though. Although, if I'm honest I have said this many a time, 'right, now I'm going to make an effort and blog more, blah blah blah'.

It's never really happened and is this time any different? All I can really say is stick with me, because there are some great things to come. There may even be a cheeky little giveaway or two...

I started my blog on February 13th 2011!  That is mad that I started my blog over 5 years ago. It's had it's little moments but it's not really where I wanted it to be at this point. When I look back to 5 years ago, it feels a little surreal, the main reason I started up this blog was to document about my life and experiences with MS and at that point my MS hadn't been well controlled and I had some serious health issues. But 5 years on and near on 300 injections later, I am winning the fight against MS and I will continue to think positively and believe that that part of my story will have a happy ending. My blog has evolved and it's gone from an online journal, to posts about crafts, sewing and now planners.

I am happy to say lots of good things have happened over the past year, Hubby has a new job, I have a new car and my love of planners has led me to become one of the members of the Design Team for the most fabulous Etsy shop Little Rainbow Moon (LRM). Here's some of her washi strip stickers that she makes. How gorgeous are they?
Photo by Jo Seraphin Little Rainbow Moon

I cannot tell you how happy I  was to have been chosen to join the team. So if you like cute stationary, enjoy journaling or love to pretty up your planner then keep those peepers on The Tales of Me, as I will be doing reviews of some of the beautiful things that you can  purchase on LRM and showing you how I have been inspired to use things. Jo the multi-talented lady who is the face behind LRM often does the most amazing giveaways and I will keep you posted about these too.

I'll leave you with a link to my latest video on my You Tube Channel, check out how I have used bits from the monthly mystery kit that you can get on LRM. I purchased this kit myself as well as the other items I show you in the video

Take care and I'll be back again soon.


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