The Tales of Me

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Blog plans and review

This week I want to be on top of things again.

First things first. a review of last weeks plans -

Friday was my 4th Blogiversary which I posted about, I had planned to link it to 5 on a Friday but I didn't in the end. I can't believe I've been blogging for 4 years.

A little while ago I was given a woderful book of poetry and I thought Valentines day was a perfect day to share a couple of the poems. If you missed the post here it is, Life is beautiful and sad.

I sorted out the size and position of my blog signature, so I'm happy with it now.

I started the week with some successful sewing projects and ended badly. I wanted to make myself a cute little purse, which was all going really well but I was using some small scraps of material that I had and unfortunately one of fabrics frayed which spoiled it so I will need to start it again.

This would of been quite cute if I'd been able to finish it. I should of known the bits of material I used weren't quite big enough so I had no leeway with them. What I will say though is, I actually invested in 100% wool felt and it makes such a difference! Yes it's more expensive but for those special projects it's worth it.

This week I want to share with you how I made my hanging phone pouch. It's really easy to make and can be adapted for lots of different uses.

My five on a Friday is going to be on the lines of things that I do wrong with my sewing. Perhaps I write these mistakes down I might actually learn from them????

This weeks plan are short and sweet. I want to spend some time planning a few craft projects properly so hopefully they will be a bit more successful...

I  hope everyone has had great weekends. I find the problem with weekends is that they are over far to quickly. Wouldn't you agree?


  1. Weekends are over much too quickly!

  2. Happy Blogversary! I know about sewing projects going wrong. I have a few that I want to do again because I now know how to do it better.

  3. I'm sure I commented here but it must have been from Facebook because sometimes that doesn't work right. Love your little purse. I hate it when you've spent so much time sewing something and the wrong sides are together or something similar. Happy blogversary.


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