The Tales of Me

Friday, 13 February 2015

4th Blogiversary!

Today is the 4th blogiversary of The Tales of Me! I can not believe I have been doing it for 4 years! My blog isn't where I would of liked it to of been by now but I can't expect it to be there when I haven't really had the time to put in the effort you need to to build a better blog. I am doing much better this year though. So will I continue with The Tales of me for the 5th year? Yeah of course I will. There have been times I've considering giving it up but I can never quite bring myself to do it. I still enjoy it and although I've been plodding along with blogging for the past 4 years I haven't been able to put the real big effort in needed to progress which I am trying to do this year.

WILL I do it this year? We will just have to wait and see, I'm gonna give it a good go though.

Looking back through my blog archive, it's pretty weird. When I first started blogging my MS was a problem and I was blogging about starting treatment for it and Hubby and I still had hopes of having a baby. That was really weird to read again. I'm well used to the fact that we can't have children now but it's strange reading back on posts talking about possible baby plans. When you look back at the years so much happens and changes.  Reminiscing can be sad, thinking about what could of been and what you would of like to have been but it can also be very positive and a reminder of things that you should be grateful and feel positive about, such as continuing good health.

So this evening I will be raising a glass, scoffing some chocolate and saying Happy blogiversary The Tales of me! I hope you'll join me in a glass.

Thank you to anyone who has and who does regularly stop by blog, I really do appreciate it.


  1. Yey that's great! Happy Bloggerversairy ! It's my 4th in September look forward to more from you xx

    1. Thanks Hannah. It's mad isn't it , 4 years! xx

  2. Hello! it's my first time here and I wanted to say I hope you continue blogging! I wish you all the best for the future to come.
    Ntina @ happy girly crafty

    1. Hi, thanks for stopping by and commenting. I plan to and hopefully I will be able to progress with my blog this year :)

  3. Congrats and cheers on your 4th blogiversary! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty - We hope to see you again next week.
    Life With Lorelai

  4. Great post. Blog on! Thanks for linking up to Funtastic Friday. Hope to see you again this week.


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