The Tales of Me

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The Craft Side of Me : Easy sock phone pouch.

After a little bit of deliberation I decided to make a cute pair of socks with sloths on that I have, into a phone pouch. I perused the net just to get some tips on how to sew a knitted fabric as I hadn't done this before but unfortunately the tips didn't really help me. On my practice sock, the thread either puckered up, or was too loose or too tight.  All the tips said the same thing, so I'm not sure why but I just couldn't get it right, I know it was me not getting the tension right, well I suppose it could be a number of things.

So the tips were,
 when using a regular sewing machine, use the correct needle, a narrow ziz zag stitch (has more give) and adjust thread tension as needed.

Now I just couldn't get it right although I did find this video on tension settings which I found helpful:

It was getting really frustrating as this was suppose to be a quick and easy project but I was making a right meal of it. Eventually I found video by Tesco Living! I found it helpful as she just sewed her pouch with out much fiddling around with things. She recommended using quite a tight straight stitch:

I felt a bit silly really, I reckon most children could sew this and here was me struggling! Rubbish eh! But you have to forgive me I am still fairly new to this sewing lark. It does make me laugh that I struggled with making a phone sock but my first ever sewing project was a zipped pouch which I manged quite well!

Any hoo, I think I was thinking about it all too much so I said 'to hell with it' and just grabbed my sock and stitched it using a fairly tight straight stitch on usual tension setting and voila, all done.

The sloths on the sock are so cute and it's a lovely colour too. I'd like to get another pair of the socks but have a feeling they are all sold out. I bought them for £1.50 in the sale  and have 2 phone pouches made, bargain! I'm gonna give the other one to my mum.

When I was trying to find the video again for this post I came across these 2 great tutorial's, the first is from Tilly and the buttons for sewing with knitted fabrics. It is one of many great tutorials on her blog and those in the UK may recognize her from the first series of  The Great British Sewing Bee. The second is by Tasia from Sewaholic.

That's it then, if you have any tips for me on sewing with knitted fabrics or thread tension I would really appreciate to hear them. Just leave your advice in the comments.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. No sewing advice, I'm afraid. But I do like the sloth pouches x

  2. What a simple but adorable idea. I love it!

    1. I know and useful too.Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Awwww, what a cute project--also I love sloths on anything so this is a perfect cell phone holder in my book :) Stopping in from SITS and hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  4. This is such a cute idea! Thanks for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty this week.

  5. Adorable! Thanks for sharing with us at Funtastic Friday. Hope to see you again this week.

  6. Cool idea! You're so creative.


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