The Tales of Me

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

The countdown has begun...

Oh hey, remember me?

Wow August was the last time I posted Well the countdown has begun,...

Just to remind you, for the best part of this year I have been doing a non-medical prescribing course which has been a lot of hard work and stress but it's nearly all over. I have passed my exams and the final stage now is the course work which is due to be handed in on the 29th. I'm just making the last few tweaks to the work and I've got a couple of bits to get signed off and then it's all done! I can not tell you how much that excites me!

So a few more days and I can get back to blogging and all the things that I love and enjoy to do. I have had to put so many things on the back burner whilst doing this course and will be so glad to have more time on my hands. I finally hope to have the time to give some TLC to my blog and help it grow! 

Ok, so I'll be seeing you soon, hopefully a slightly less stressed and pressured lady (of course there will still be the pressures of work but knowing my free time will be my own again will really help).

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