The Tales of Me

Sunday, 5 January 2014

☆★☆Happy New Year☆★☆

Well, we're into another year, I wonder what does this one hold for us all?

I'm feeling pretty excited about it and feel it's going to be a good year. As with most years 2013 has had it's ups and downs. I have spent a lot of 2013 stressing about one thing or another and had a lot of anxiety but I'm going to leave those negative thoughts behind. 2014 is going to be all about being positive, not looking back at regrets and mistakes I've made but looking forward at positive things to come. 

What use does it do us dwelling on mistakes made? That's something I'm terrible at, well actually you could say I'm really good at it as I often dwell on things I shouldn't. We should learn from them and move forward.

So 2014, the year of looking forward!

I'm sure it's going to be another busy one but I'm going to be prepared for it.

So here's to a fabulous 2014 for us all, we all deserve it! 



  1. Hello Kate,

    What a lovely image of the dog on the beach, and I love your positive attitude. Worry not, about the stuff that has happened. Concentrate on the good stuff ahead. Happy New Year.

    1. Hi Maria,

      thanks for stopping by. It wasn't easy getting him to sit still ;)

      Hope you had a wonderful New Year

  2. You've been so busy this past year so slow down in 2014. You've been missed on your blog. Don't worry about any past mistakes or wrong decisions new year ,clean slate.

    1. Thanks Anne. you're right and that's exactly want I am going to do!

  3. Happy New Year, Kate. Here's to staying positive in 2014 x

  4. I am excited this year to reach many of my goals. Love the picture!

  5. That is one of my 2014 goals too :) Nobody's perfect and we all mistakes - it's a cliche but true.



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