The Tales of Me

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Honorable purchases!

It's been a while since we've found any honorable purchases (or ones with in my budget) in our local charity or antique shops, but last week I found several things that I just had to buy and now felt it only right that I share them with you

The first 2 items I bought in a lovely shop called The Emporium in Godstone Surrey.  I love this shop, you can get all sorts of things in there from new to old.  I also like the idea that there are are 14 different people who sell things in there. Not all at once obviously, but they each have an area of the shop where they have all their bits on display.  It reminds me of a book I read by Katie FForde A French Affair.  It's about 2 sisters who inherit a stall in an antiques centre where romance blossoms.  You can imagine all sorts of interesting background stories of the people who work there...

The first item I bought there was this super magnifying glass, I think it's so sweet and it will also come in handy at times with my craft and sewing projects (Hubs is not sure I'll make use of it but I assured him I needed it).

I absolutely fell in love with this vintage style suitcase, I just love the pattern and thought it would be perfect for storing material.  I'm slowly taking over the study so once I've got it all kitted out as my sewing/craft room I shall post some pics.  How gorgeous is this suitcase though!

Now this was a very honorable purchase from the local charity shop (apologies for quality of photo),  how great is this camera!  I love all these old camera's and Hubby and I thought one would look great on the shelves in the study and we were delighted to pick this one up at the bargain price of £5.99.  We also saw a cine camera in a another charity shop which was £30 but couldn't be spending more money so had to resist.

These last 2 are because I love a bit of deer print, I bought this just a cute mug from Dunn Helm and the deer fabric I ordered on line from Modes 4 u.

I haven't quite decided what to make with the fabric but I just love the deer with glasses!

Have you made any honourable purchases recently? Would love to see them if you have, post them on Twitter, Facebook or your blog and let me know. Oh and apologies again, my pictures aren't the best of quality.


  1. I love your purchases. The case is adorable. No I've not bought any bargains,although I did by the toddlers converse trainer boots with lights for £7 in Turkey but I also paid a fortune for spices and then wondered if I would be stopped at customs and they would mistake them for drugs,lol!! I also bought a bracelet wich is lovey and haggled for it from £55 to £30.

  2. No honourable purchases here either, I'm afraid. But I do love your new suitcase, I'd have definitely picked that up too x


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