The Tales of Me

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Weekend catch up.

Can you believe we're over half way through May! This year is just whooshing on by.  I suppose since we're getting near to half way through the year I'll have to be reviewing my new year post and the goals I hoped to achieve this year.  Today lets just have a little catch up.

The last week and a half has been pretty busy, which generally seems to be how my life is at the moment.  Last Thursday week my Mum went in for her 2nd knee replacement.  Bless her, its a horrendous operation but she has done really well and was discharged home after 6 days which is much better then last time when she was in for 8 days.  She would of come out on day 5 but they kept her an extra day to make sure her kidney function was improving because one of the tablets she had been taken had affected them.  She is getting there though.

Last Sunday I had a lovely day at the Fluff-a-torium in Dorking and made a lovely bag that I am seriously chuffed with but I'll tell you all about that tomorrow in my 'Crafty side of me' post.

One of my goals this year was to do a Clinical reasoning and physical assessment module in preparation for then doing my nurse prescribing course.  Well I started the course last this week.  So every Wednesday and Thursday for the next 6 weeks I will be on this course.  It's seriously full on and we all felt quite over whelmed by the Thursday afternoon.  It's intense but I really enjoyed it.  I can tell you now, as we get into June I will more then likely getting quite stressed and then in July I'll be having panic attacks because I will have to something called an Oski, where I am assessed doing 2 physical examinations on "pretend" patients! Eek!  Lots of study, revision and practice will be needed.  I am going to have to be super organised.  I don't think Hubby believes me but I am really going to try.  I do suffer with anxiety at times and if I am not organised my anxiety levels (and Hubby's stress levels) will be through the roof!

So that's the fun I've been having this week.  What have you guys been up to? Anything nice?


  1. You've been keeping busy! Interested to see your post tomorrow about the bag!

  2. Yep it has been busy! Be pleased to see you here tomorrow :)

  3. I saw your post about the bag making and it looks fab! You've been so busy! This year is whizzing by but I suppose it seems even faster when you have so much to do. Goodluck with your course, hope it goes well and don't forget the good old rescue remedy for those nervy moments xx

  4. Hey Hannah, busy bee me :)

    Thanks for the goodluck wishes. I need to get a stock of rescue remedy I think :)



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