The Tales of Me

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Blogging from A to Z Challenge, J is for Junior school

J is for Junior school.  Now this is really testing the old noggin, recalling memories from Junior school and I can't remember that much from it but there are a couple of silly little things.  I remember my friend Lisa and I catching a newt (we use to love doing things like that) and we were allowed to put it in the large box/tank that we had in the classroom and it proceeded to eat the frog spawn that one of the other kids had put in there.  He was mighty upset.

Photo credit: brucelawson / / CC BY

 I was always a bit of a day dreamer as a child and remember frequently getting told off for day dreaming out of the window.

 More embarrassingly with the same friend Lisa (we often got up to mischief together) I remember getting in trouble for writing silly love letters to all the boys in our class.  It wasn't because we fancied them all but for some reason during a mad half hour we thought 'hey wouldn't it be funny if we wound all the boys up and sent them anonymous love letters'!!!! Why oh why do we make these silly decisions? The boys all found out it was us and proceeded to get annoyed with (I really can't remember what we put in the letters) which led to our teachers finding out and we then got in trouble.  All a little embarrassing really.

Remember Jelly shoes? These images are courtesy of Amazon and if you click on them you can head over there and by yourself a nice glamorous pair.
How about a jelly bag/ I remember filling mine up full of conkers in our school grounds. This one is for sale on ebay, £35.00 hmm not sure it's worth it...

From the TV archives

I loved loved loved Jamie and his magic torch.  For that reason here is one video with theme tune and one with an episode.

Jimbo and the Jetset

How about Jem and the Holograms.

Lastly we have Jackanory.


  1. Gosh, now I'm on a long journey to a faraway country!! I remember free milk - came in little bottles - I was a 'sickly' child so mine was warmed in front of the spluttering gas fire. Prob why I never drink milk today!! Amazingly, I used to get the bus from Welwyn Garden City to Old Welwyn, where my 'prep' school (it went downhill at 11) was. At the age of 6!! On my own!!!

  2. ROFL!!!! AGAIN!

    Oh Kate, what a huge memory bank you have! You made me smile - those Jelly shoes didn't half cut into your feet (well mine did at least!) I can't remember if I had a jelly bag, or wanted one and couldn't have one, but I'm sure I did :S

    And, Kate...the love letters :D :D

    I do look forward to this each day!

  3. The fun goes on, Kate! That is of course when you weren't daydreaming! Always funny! Looking forward to K : )

  4. Loved the tune to Jamie and his magic torch.I bought jelly shoes a few years back just to wear in the sea on holiday as it's a stoney walk but they cut my feet and had to buy proper swim shoes.
    I thought it was just in my era that we got into trouble at school for silly things,they weren't very tolerant were they? Great fun post agian and I can't stop laughing at Carol having her milk heated,poor wee soul.

  5. Seems a little steep for the tote. If I understand my conversion properly. Hats off to the seller if they get it.

    Junior High was a mixed bag of experiences for me. I didn't get called down for daydreaming, but talking.

  6. Ohh I remember all those things, jelly bags! And Jamie and his magic torch was the best. Thing I remember most about junior school was the little coat pegs with a picture and reading corner.

  7. I used to love my jelly shoes! Thanks for the fun memories!

  8. I hate those jelly shoes but i lovedmy more child like pair! Same goes for those bas i'm afraid- yuck! haha The newt tale reminded me of that scene in Matilda with her and her friends catching one to pop in The Trunchballs water. Classic! x

  9. i love this stream of consciousness junior high school nostalgia. it is so funny the way we act when we are young. it's even funnier what we remember from those's my j-post...i'm a little behind on the blog hopping part of this april adventure:


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