The Tales of Me

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

A to z challenge, H is for having fun and holiday...

H is for holiday, well it is actually a memory from a holiday a strange but funny one.  I was on holiday with my parents. I was around  5 or 6 at the time and we were on holiday in Portugal  I woke in the middle of the night after a bad dream and couldn't sleep so I went to see my Mum, the room they were staying in had a large wooden bed in and with a large head board and foot board.  It was obviously dark and as I walked into their room the end of the bed looked like a large cats head! I started to scream and my parents woke up, my Mum jumped out of bed and then ran to me and started screaming too!!!!! Not sure why, I probably gave her a fright.  My Dad then calmed us both down and we had a fit of hysterical laughter when we realised how stupid we we're being.  Ok not sure if I should of told you that as my family must sound a little crazy now...

H is for having fun which also ties in with Halloween. Having fun is an important part of every childhood.  Part of having fun is playing and kids make up all sorts of games don't they or games do the rounds through the different generations. We use to have our own version of hide and seek, but in the dark.  We had to hide under the cover or something, we called it Applecover.  It was a great game, simple but fun.  My friend Niks's older brothers also did a fantastic ghost train for us in their house.  I say fantastic, it may of been rubbish but Nik and I were only young and we thought it was scary but great!  I was talking to her about it to see what we both remembered and she reminded me that they played a Dracula story in the background narrated by Christopher Lee and one of the things they did was fill a washing up glove with matchsticks and we had to feel it but when everything's made to be all spooky and it's all dark it can all feel really strange.

From the TV archives

Heathcliffe and the Catillac Cats

He-man and the masters of the universe


  1. HE MAN!!!! I'm She-Ra by the way...I had a t shirt the other year and it's sadly gone to t shirt heaven but it was the best thing that happened to my 30's!
    I don't know how you remember all these childhood memories! I don't remember anything till about 14!
    I did laugh at your screaming fit hehehe! :D

    1. He he Donna! As I start writing these post more are coming back to me. It's like al the programmes when I started looking them all up I was like 'oh my god I loved that'


  2. My son loved He -man since he was about a year old.One of the first sentences he said was,"I have the power"
    Your story of your bad dream reminded me of when I was really young I had a dream about spiders,big ,huge hairy ones so I went into my parents bed, my dad said I would be ok and put off the lights and I saw the spiders again he asked where they were and I said all over your pajamas,I had him jumping around trying to shake them off.

  3. I love He Man too!!! He was awesome. And holidays are the best. I'm almost 30 and I still go crazy for holidays.

    Happy A through Z posting.

    1. He was great, I just have such fond of all the kids TV I use to watch. Holidays are the best!

      Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. It sounds like you certainly had a lot of fun on holidays and halloween! My son had a He-Man Castle, we were only talking about it the other day. You put your hand in a monster's head, a bit like a glove puppet - even the girls loved it!

    1. We did Amanda :)

      They are such fun memories :)

  5. Oh yes fun is so important to childhood I couldn't agree more. We have proper parties for halloween i've always loved especially as my birthday is 2 days before it too! You hide and seek sounds more interesting then the normal version! x

    1. I love Halloween. We have had Halloween parties but for the adults. I haven't got kids but if I did I would be going all out for the different holidays, possible more for me but hey :)


  6. Great memories. Heathcliff, oh yes, I remember. Love the kids cartoons. My generation was Bug Bunny and the Looney Tunes, Yogi Bear, Flintstones, Jetsons, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Casper the Ghost, Quick Draw McGraw, etc. Halloween was fun cuz back then going door to door wasn't so scary. After Trick or Treating we'd come home and eat the candy and watch Charlie Brown Halloween special on TV. (Before there were VCRs and DVDs and cable TV).

    1. Thanks for stopping by.

      I wish Halloween was a bigger deal in UK but it's not. Love all the cartoons you mentioned :)

  7. I was She-ra once for Halloween! Having fun is definitely an important "H"!

    1. Ha ha! everyone remembers She ra and He man :)

      Thanks for stopping by :)


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