The Tales of Me

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Jump back in July, blog recap...

Well August is now upon us, can you believe it, 8 months into the year!  This year is just flying by.  Here's a little recap for the month of July on The Tales of Me...

I was lucky enough to be nominated for One Lovely Blog award by the delightful Donna Trinder.  I was ever so chuffed to receive this award.  I have still to nominate some blogs myself which I will be doing very soon...


I posted another 'How to' all about how to make your own blog button. Has anyone given it a go yet? If not give it a try and we can get button swapping!

Right at the beginning of the month there was Must do Monday.


and my 'to do list'. I feel I may of been a little over ambitious with my list so unfortunately haven't achieved everything on there I'd hope too but I have managed to do some of it.

1) Last month I was really pleased to have joined some new sites, Blogaholic Social Network, Blog lovin and The SITS giirls.  These sites are for people bloggers to connect and support each other.  Through these sites I have discovered some fantastic and varied blogs.   Although some of the best blogs I have found randomly when looking for something on the Internet. 

2) Still not done this but but I will get going on some book reviews this month.

3) I have started to update my additional pages.  I've added an about me page and a contact me page.I would also like to improve the pages I already have there.  

4) Well I have added an about me page but I have forgotten about updating my about me page on my blogger profile. 

5) Can you believe it, I had around 3500 emails in my inbox! I have managed to delete 1000 of them, so kind of need to crack on with that I think before I build up that 1000 again!  

6) I've still got to catch up on my emails.

7) Previously I have just put random labels on my posts not really understanding the benefit of them. So now I have changed some of my labels and started organising them. So I've made a start but still got a little way to go.  

8) I was planning on joining in a blog read along but I decided against it as I'm not going to have much time to do it this month.  I'm hoping I can get my ass in gear and join some of the blog hops through Blogaholic or the Saturday share fest on the SIT girls.

9) I have got a few posts lined up so keep a look out and I hope you'll enjoy them.

10) Well I haven't completed my list but I have made a start! I will complete the rest of my to do list this month before I start adding anything new to it!

So what have you got to look forward to in August on the Tales of Me. I've got some more 'How tos', a look at my bookshelves and I've also got a few blog awards to be passing on.  So I hope you'll check in again to read the latest goings on.  If you submit your email below or in the subscription box in my sidebar you can get my newest posts straight to you inbox!


  1. Wow! You did a lot of blogging in July. You just reminded me that I have some blog awards I haven't posted about yet. I love your how to posts but I'm still rubbish at doing them . Lol!!

    1. Thanks for comment Anne. He he! I felt inspired last month! Hopefully I'll do as well this month. Glad you enjoy my how to posts. Don't sell yourself short! Bet you could do them! If there's anything your particularly interested in and want to know more just ask :)I'm not particularly good at these things I'm just stubborn and just keep going till I achieve what I want, lol!

  2. That's cool. Looks like a good bucket list. The blog read along sounds like fun. And I can totally relate to all the emails. I have to clean mine up at least a few times a week. If I don't check mine in 3-5 days, I end up getting over 1000 emails. I sell on Ebay too and I get an email for every little thing.


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