The Tales of Me

Saturday, 14 July 2012

One Lovely Blog Award

I'm delighted to be telling you I have been nominated for another award! I'm very chuffed to be adding 'One Lovely Blog Award' to my collection. Hmm can 3 awards be classed as a collection? Any hoo down to business, I was nominated by the fabulous Donna Trinder.  Donna I think has the world record for receiving an award. With in a week of starting her new book blog she received the One Lovely Blog Award!  So well done Donna! You're awesome!  Apologies to you too as I'm only just posting about this. Her new blog Room for Reading is a place for all her bookish stuff such as book reviews and author interviews so check it out. She can also find Donna's personal blog at Thank you so much for thinking of me, I was amongst some talented writers who she nominated so I feel very honoured!`

Ok with is award goes a challenge too which Donna tweaked a bit, so here are 7 of my favourite authors/books:

These are in no particular order, I love all these authors they are awesome!

1) Kevin Hearne: I'm so glad I discovered Kevin Hearne's books, they are right up my street.  I love fantasy novels, be it urban, paranormal, romantic and authors who have the talent to draw me in to the fantasy world they create.  Kevin Hearne's The Iron Druid Chronicles is one of my all time favourite series and I'm so please there's more books to come.  How can you go wrong? There's a sexy Irish druid with his alluring apprentice, a hot vampire and werewolf and the my favourite character bar the druid, Oberon a dashing Irish Wolf Hound who can talk (through his mind).  He has a penchant to hear stories about historical characters such as Genghis Khan and French Poodles. Oh and of course he LOVES sausages!

Links to Kevin Hearne's website, with an excerpt from Tricked to show you a little about Oberon (no spoilers) and Amazon

2) Christina Jones:  I want to live in the world that Christina has created!  Well it's one of the worlds I'd love to live in.  Her magical romantic comedy series is set in a cluster of Berkshire villages where an eclectic selection of characters reside. I love all the characters that are in her novels and the way they hop from novel to novel.  Reading them I found myself wishing I lived in the villages amongst the fabulous villagers  The novels are full of fun, romance with a sprinkle of magic.

Links to Christina Jones website and Amazon

3) She had to be among my 7, J.K Rowling and good old Harry Potter! Of course I love the wizarding world! Is there anyone out there who didn't want to go to Hogwarts?  She is an amazing writer but I'm not sure if I fancy her new book that's coming out, doesn't sound like my sort of thing but I may give it a go.

4) A new author and series I have discovered is Nicole Peeler and the Jane True series.  I've listened to the first three books on audio book and I can't wait to get the next one! You may start to be noticing a pattern in my reading choices and I have a thing for fantasy novels.  The Jane True series definitely feeds my fantasy fetish, ooh err!  I like it because there's some very different characters and not just your typical werewolf/vampire mix.  You have a Selkie,a gnome, hot vampires (where's a fantasy novel without a hot vampire) and the man/dog I fell in love with (or may be lust) the sexy Anyan Berghast.  Reading that back that sounds a little bit odd but he is a fine, fine character a very manly man, who also can turn into a mahoosive dog!  It is the man side of Anyan I crave! LOL!)  How's that tickled your taste buds?  If you haven't and you like a bit of urban fantasy (not just the ones involving vampires and hot men!) check out the Trueniverse.

*Quick note, I thought this would be easy to write 7 of my favourite authors/nooks but there's so many fabulous ones I'm not sure who/which to choose.*

5)  This challenge was already tweaked by Donna and for no's 5,6 and 7 I'm going to tweak it again and tell you 3 of my favourite narrators.  I'm not sure how many of you listen to audio books but I love them, there not the same as having a fantastic book in your hands but I like to listen to a fantastic story and just imagine...  Whether I'm reading or listening to a book, as I listen I imagine the story and the characters.  For that reason the narrator makes all the difference.  I want a narrator with a great voice.  So for a lot of the chick lit /romance books I've listened to Jilly Cooper has been the narrator and she has a fantastic voice for them.  Listening to her I can really get lost in the story and although just one voice I can imagine all the characters.

6) Stephen Fry narrated all the Harry Potter books and although I read these all first I loved listening to Stephen Fry reading the audio books.

7) Lastly Luke Daniels and the Iron Druid Chronicles. Luke Daniels read these books perfectly, he got all the voices spot on in my eyes or should I say for my ears especially Oberon.  I listened to the first 4 books and I am now reading no 5 Tricked.  The first 3 books in the IDC series I listened to on audio book and I' now reading Tricked.   When I'm reading tricked, I now hear Luke Daniels voice and how he portrays the characters.  When your reading a book do you here your own voice in your head or how you think the character/story teller sounds?  

Well that's the challenge done and now for the last part, I have to nominate 7 worthy blogs for the One Lovely Blog Award and let them now they have been nominated. Problem with this part of the challenge is the people/blogs I would like to nominate have already been nominate by Donna. As part of Must Do Monday, I wrote a to do list for me to get through in the month of July and as part of that I want to discover some new blogs.  So once again, I'm going to take a rain check (I did had to do the same thing when I received the Kreative blogger award, oops) and I WILL be nominating some blogs but not quite yet so keep your eye's open nominations to follow...

A question for you...

What's your preference book, ebook, or audio? Do you particularly dislike a particular format for reading a book?

Ok that's 2 questions but like to hear your opinion?


  1. Lovely blog, and thank you for your love words!

    I like the look of the Christina Jones book! Never seen that before & it looks like something I'd love! Will give it a go!

    I also feel the same about the new JK Rowling book, not sure but I will try it! You kind of have to, don't you?!


    1. Thanks for the nomination! I reckon you'll love her books they're fantastic. I absolutely love her books, I actually had these all as audio books, Hubble Bubble was my favourite. The Jane True series might be something you like too? Don't rule out the Iron Druid Chronicles, they may surprise you.

      Thanks for comment


  2. That of course was 'lovely' words & yet again I was auto corrected! Grrrr! X

  3. Note to self don't forget to spell check post before publishing! Naughty girl, there were lots of mistakes! Doh!


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