The Tales of Me

Tuesday 2 April 2013

B is for Best Friend

Another day another letter, today my friends is the letter B.  I have many memories for the letter B, but the most important one is for Best Friend!

Friends, they come and go, as children growing up, you make up and brake up.  Friendship can be a fickle thing but a best friend, is one who sticks by you loyally over the years, that is something special, something to be treasured.  I am a lucky girl as I do have friends who I treasure.  Over  the years there have been many a tough time for me and my friends and having each other is one of the things that has got us through those times.  I truly have been blessed with many wonderful friends in my life, some I have met through school, some through work and more recently some through Social Media.  I even have my diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis to thank for meeting two of them.

There are two friends though that feel like they  have been part of my life for forever.  That picture above, brings a warm glow to my heart as it reminds me of both of the friendships. One I have known all my life and is more like a sister and the other is one who I have been best friends with  for around 30 years. There are times we have drifted apart, boyfriends have got in the way and stolen our attention but somehow we always ended up back together again.

From children to women we have grown together and sometimes when I think about it I can't believe we are all heading towards our late 30's.  That's the weirdest thing to say as in my heart I still feel like we're those two little girls in the picture! I can not have children myself but I am honoured and blessed to be the Godmother to my friend Nicola's gorgeous children. My friend Rachael also has a beautiful little girl and I truly hope that their children get to form the wonderful friendships that I have been lucky enough to have.

"We'll be friends forever won't we Pooh?" asked Piglet
"Even longer" Pooh answered. - A.A. Milne  
 Some other memories:

Above are 5 of the programmes I loved as a child, click on the links below to see clips of them.

My first crush 

Only this weekend they showed one of my favourite movies as a child, Bugsy Malone which originally came out in 1976.  I'm not sure how old  I was when I first saw it but I still enjoyed watching at the age of 35!  Not that I ever had any aspirations to be an actress, I loved the way they were all dressed in the movie and the kid who played Bugsy was probably my first crush.  They all looked so grown up to me or at least behaved it.

Finally a teenage girls life always has a boy band or two in!

Bros and the Backstreet Boys, these were two groups I loved in my teens!


  1. Hi Kate, what a lovely collection of B things. I *think* I am in roughly the same generation as you because I love those children shows you mentioned and while I wasn't a fan of Backstreet Boys, I so totally loved NKOTB. Happy A-Z!

    1. Sounds like we are. I so forgot about NKOTB, arghh my memory is failing me! ;D

      I love looking back at he old programmes brings back so many wonderful memories.

      Thanks for stopping by

  2. Brilliant, Kate! That really made me smile :))
    I love Button Moon, & I was NKOTB too ;)) xxx

    1. Thanks Hun, I love looking at all these old programmes, I found it such fun. There were more I could of gone on about but had to stop myself!

      I can't believe I forgot about NKOTB


  3. Can't believe you didn't mention Brother Beyond, Kate!

    Love the way you talk about your friends. Your special bond with them shines through x

    1. Thanks for stopping by Suzie. I can't believe I forgot Brother beyond and NKOTB! It's terrible.

      I do have some great friendships I'm a lucky girl :)


  4. Lovely post about friends. I am still in touch with my friend from when I was a child as you said we too loose touch from time to time but facebook is wonderful for things like that. Apart from my brother she is the only one left who remembers me as a child and when we phone each other we could take for hours I have know her for about 48 yrs.I even wrote a poem about us,(on by blog under poetry)
    These cartoons just make me remember watching them over and over with my kids lol!!

    1. Thanks Anne, I enjoyed writing this one. I love looking back at the past memories. I think as this goes on I'll get more and more into the swing of things :)

      That's what friends are about eh. chatting for hours!

  5. Best friends are so important. I'm lucky to be married to my best friend. :)

    1. I'm lucky like that too, married to my best friend :)

  6. Heading towards your late thirties. Sigh. Afraid I have lost all my 'childhood' friends - tho I still keep in touch with my uni room mate!! Great post. Trying to keep up with all the A-Z ers - may not!! (BTW you have a LOAD of friends on Twitter - hope I may count myself as one!!)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to check out my post. Much appreciated. You can definitely class yourself as one, honoured to have you as my friend :)

  7. Another wonderful collection of B things! Best friend I can relate to because recently I discovered who my best friends are! Backstreet boys I really did love. I also love the quote from winnie the pooh! Keep rocking it looking forward to tomorrow.


    1. Hi Teresa

      I love all the Winnie the Pooh quotes! It's always good to know who your best friends are.. Hope to see you here again, I'll be hoping over to your blog now :)


  8. This is a beautiful tribute to best friends everywhere!

    1. Ah thank you so much, thanks for stopping by :)

  9. Firstly> I am not in my late 30s! I am in my late late late 20s. I am twenty-seventeen to be precise! I can hardly believe that we have known each other for 36 years!!!! We have got some amazing shared memories from our childhood, and I find it hard to think of any memory that isn't related to you and your family somehow. Distance may keep us apart, but you are always in my heart and my life. I couldn't imagine anyone else being Godmother to my monsters, and Pete makes a pretty good Partyfather too! I have one complaint though- you left out Applecover in your "A" post! How could you forget! Love you loads BFF and love these posts xx
    Nik xx

    1. Ah now Niks, how could I forget. Well reminded, I will fit it in somewhere else! Love you loads to. Thanks for lovely comment. :)


  10. P.S. Remember playing Bugsy Malone? I always wanted to be Tallulah!

  11. I think I might be of the same gen also, sharing similar memories.

  12. I'm a fortunate little camper. My wife has been my best friend for the past three decades. A true BFF. :-)

    1. Wow that's brilliant 3 decades!! It's lovely to hear that you are still a happy camper! Probably because she's your BFF ;)

  13. I can identify with your post, looking at the TV clips, and who was in vogue I think we might be from the same era...

    I have lost contact with one of my dear friends, and the other one I see often, its a wonderful treasure to have someone you can totally relate to, and who can relate to you in the same way.

    Loved this post!

    1. So glad you enjoyed it Maria and thanks for stopping by. I love looking at all these old clips. I'm enjoying doing this as I get to do lots of reminiscing.

      Thanks for lovely comment

      Kate :)


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