The Tales of Me

Saturday 30 March 2013

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge 2013

I've ummed and ahhed, had a few panics but the wheels are now in motion, I'm going for it! (I suppose it would have been a little late in the day to pull out since the A to Z  blogging challenge starts on Monday!)

Well why not eh?  Ok so it can get a little stressful, ideally you need to be organised (I'm not), that's a whole 26 posts to write for the month of April but hey it's going to be fun and I get to meet lots of lovely ( I hope) bloggers.

Part of the reason for my little panics was deciding my theme.  I had a few ideas but after much deliberation, jotting down of different ideas, I have made my final decision, so for this years blogging from A to Z April challenge my theme is *queue dramatic music, da da dahhhh...* the 'A to Z of childhood memories.  It's always fun to do a bit of reminiscing and a saunter down memory lane (a saunter is very much like a walk down memory lane but with more style and panache).  So posts are planned and I'm psyching myself up  for lots of blog reading and commenting *cracks knuckles and flexes finger*.  Blogging in April challenge, I'm ready for you!


  1. Great theme Kate I'm so glad your taking part. Last year I did most of my posts day by day,sometimes a few on the one night,mine was the my memories of the 60's & 70's it was great fun reminiscing. I didn't think of doing a reveal post but lots have so I'd better get it written,good luck!

    1. Hey Anne, I did one because I saw a few people had and I thought why not. I haven't written all my posts, I've jotted down quick notes for what I want to talk about, still need to think of Q,Y and Z... I did want to have more posts written but we shall see :)


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