The Tales of Me

Sunday 24 March 2013

A mini treasure trove of crafty goodness

In this age of social media, internet, emails and going paperless with bills and bank statements, we rarely receive anything exciting in the post unless it's a special occasion such as Christmas or birthdays.  So you can imagine my delight when I received a package from my lovely friend and fellow blogger Donna Trinder from Lost and Found and Donna's room for reading (if you haven't already check out her blogs, they're fabulous!).

Donna emailed me a few days before saying that her mum had received her monthly subscription from Crafty creatives but had decided she didn't want it and Donna didn't think she would make use of it so she very kindly thought of me and my recent craft adventures and thought 'I reckon Kate would like that!'.

Well she wasn't wrong, so my excitement was two fold. It was great receiving a package in the post and even better that it was filled with lots of crafty delights.  So I thought I just had to share it with you. #

What a lucky girl I am! A mini treasure trove of crafty goodness!

Thanks Donna, I was very happy with my parcel of goodies, hmm... now what to do with them??? The material, that's fine. But not so sure about doing decoupage, looks a bit fiddly for my liking but we shall see.  I will definitely have to get my crafty thinking cap on and see what delights I can come up with.  Hopefully you'll receive a nice little package in the post back with a little pressie I've made for you...


  1. I signed up for the CC kits, I think my first one is May...

    1. Thanks for stopping by Wendy. It is good, I really like the material in this one. I personally wouldn't get them because I'm more just into the sewing side of things and only a little bit of the other crafts but if you do like the other stuff then its great :)

  2. I I was just reading about the monthly crafts kits on an American bloggers blog, I think hers contained instructions of what to make with the stuff. Lovely to get a parcel in the post.

    1. There is instructions about decoupage and I think you can check out the website for ideas. I shall give things a go. Love the material in it. It was so sweet of Donna :)


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