The Tales of Me

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile.

I've been wanting to do a post about a season I love, Autumn. Although I have had that autumnal feeling for a while, I was waiting to see the beautiful changes in the trees, their leaves turning from green to the wonderful golds, oranges and reds but around our area the leaves are mainly still holding on to their green leaves.   Recently with some family we were discussing our favourite season,.  I said if I had to pick one it would be Autumn or winter but then I thought more about it some more and how beautiful fresh spring days or wonderful warm summer ones can be, I remembered that there is something to love about each one.  So far this year each season has tested my love with the lashings of rain that we have had across the country.   That being said, there is something quite beautiful in the summer when there has been a rain storm, the clouds pass and then the sunshine battles its way out again and the leaves on the trees look so vibrant.

Today I'm going to share with you a few of my autumn pictures. (I tried to enlarge them but they looked pixilated so have had to keep them smaller).

These first couple I took today on a walk today with my Dad and Spike.

How blue does that sky look. To be honest most of the leaves on the trees  still look pretty green where we were walking but the autumn leaves are slowly making an appearance.

The next lot of photo's were taken a couple of years ago in Ashdown Forest in East Sussex, it's a beautiful place and is the setting for the Winnie the Pooh stories.  If you were to visit Ashdown forest you can see why A.A Milne was inspired to write the wonderful adventures of Christopher Robin and his friends.  It truly does feel like a magical place when your exploring the ancient heathland and woods.

These photo's really show the beautiful hues of autumn. 


  1. Love the fall pictures and the quote from Winnie the Pooh

    1. Thanks for stopping by :)Winnie the Pooh has so many great quotes. I wish I could of got the pictures bigger though.

  2. I do love the Autumn colours of the leaves for sure. I could do without the rain here in the UK but the colours are definitely lovely :)

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Cusiosity

    1. I know, I hate hate this rain! Driving me mad! Hope it's not like this for the rest of the year. Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. Lovely photos and beautiful tribute to Fall!

    1. Thanks for lovely comment and stopping by :0

  4. Thank you for sharing the pictures, Kate. :) They do have a calming effect, and I can imagine that being there where the pictures were taken is so inspiring.

    I love the autumn, too. We live in GA, and the trees are finally starting to change a little here. I am enjoying the cooler weather and seeing all the pumpkins everywhere.

  5. Lovely photos.I love the crisp dry autumn days but not the soggy wet ones.

    1. Thanks Anne. Yeah me too. The soggy ones are rubbish aren't they.

  6. I swoon for fall, too! Lovely post, gorgeous sentiment!


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