The Tales of Me

Monday 10 September 2012

Must do Monday

Right so we're heading into the second week of September and after looking back at August ,I've realised I haven't done so well with keeping up with my blog and some of the jobs I had to do as part of  my last Must do Monday.  The last few weeks or so my head wasn't in quite the right place, which meant I couldn't quite get on top of things but feeling better now so hopefully I will get more achieved in September.  So as part of Must do Monday  I'm just reminding myself of the things I need to do and giving myself a big kick up the ass!
Looking back at The Tales of Me in August, unfortunately I only manged 2 post, both or which were fun challenges set by my lovely friend @donna_trinder.  They were most appreciated because if Donna hadn't given me a little nudge and inspiration I'm afraid there most likely would have been no posts. So thank you Mrs T! 

Looking back at my July blog recap, I hang my head in shame.  Why? I realise I have yet to complete July's 'To do list', what's even worse is it's the list that I actually started in June!  Very very poor. Before I move on to do any more 'to do lists' I'm going to make sure I complete my present one!

Looking at my 'to do list' there's still a few things outstanding.  I still haven't managed to review any of the books I wanted too, just planning on doing the reviews on Amazon or Goodreads. I haven't updated my additional pages either.I have manage to delete hundreds of emails and I have reduced my inbox from around 2900 to 543 at last count!  I have changed a few of the labels on posts but still got some to do.  You never know I may complete my list by the end of this month!

One of the problems with me is when I come across something I want to do such as making a prettier email subscription box for my blog (my newest obsession), I get obsessive and just keep at it until I eventually achieve what I want.  This results in other jobs that I want to get done, for example completing my 'to do list' get forgotten!  I have managed to make some improvements to my subscription box but it's not quite what I wanted to do but I tried so many times to upload a background picture but I just couldn't get it to work, so I did what I could and decided to stop wasting time.  I will try again at a later date.  I'm going to do a 'How to' post about customising your email subscription box in the next few weeks.

Another thing that has taken up my time is blogger has been playing up for me.  I can't tell you how many times I have had to reset changes I have made to my blog which is so annoying.  The background and the text font and colour keep changing of their own accord.  Arghhhhhh! I have wasted so much time trying to sort it out.  I'm now considering making the move to wordpress...

Now for some frivolous chat about some new purchases.  We've bought a couple of things I wanted to share with you.  Just because I love them.

This is a cute metal box which I thought would make a lovely recipe box.  I loved the writing on the lid and what it says - 

'Home is where your story begins'

Hubby says he's not entirely sure why I need a recipe box as I never cook, cheek of it! If I'm honest with myself he's not wrong, although I have a habit of collecting recipes I would like to cook. So I think it is reasonable to have a recipe box to store the recipes in that I will probably never cook, *sheepishly giggles to myself*

We also bought some gorgeous candle sconce's which Hubby is going to put onto a wooden framed mirror that he is planning to build. 

The last thing I bought was a lovely little note pad which I shall be using to help me organise my blog posts and where I can jot down post ideas.  On a blog organising note I have also downloaded a free app on my phone called Colour Notes which is a great app to put down post ideas and I can also put the notes onto the calender so I can plan when I want to publish them on blog.  Lets see if that gets me organised eh!

Well that's it for me and my ramblings today,  have a great Monday guys.

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