The Tales of Me

Sunday 30 September 2012

How to add an email me widget to blog.

I have recently discovered a superb website and blog which has some fabulous freebies to use on your own blog, for scrapbooking or anything creative you want to do.  It's by a very talented lady called Cathe (pronounced Cathy) her website and blog is She is a graphic designer, creative blogger, and flea market enthusiast.  This leads me to today's 'How to' post.

This is a REALLY simple one to do!  You definitely need to give it a go!  On Cathe's website she has some really cute 'email me' images and a simple tutorial telling you how to put them on your blog.  This is so easy to do and looks fabulous. I chose this cute little postcard, just fell in love when I saw it!!

Here's how I did it -

1) Hop over to .
2) Choose the image you want to use.
3) Go to design on your blog, click on layout and then click on add a gadget.
4) Upload the image you have chosen and then in the link box you need to type the following text changing the writing highlighted in red to you own email address. You literally only need the text shown below no http or anything.

Now press save and your done. Just make sure in layout you have placed the email gadget in the position you want.

The last thing you need to do is check your email me gadget is working! Bingo you're all done!

Leave a comment or email me using my new gadget to let me know what you think of this 'How  to' post or if you decide to add an email gadget.

Thanks to Cathe and her great designs!  There is so much great stuff on her site, even if you don't want to add an email widget you are sure to find something else you will want to use.  I love this cuckoo clock but not quite sure why I would need it on my blog but in time I'm sure I'll find a place for it.  In fact I'm going now to see where I can put it.

How cute is that! It's so adorable!


  1. Thank you! This is great. Just added it to my blog here,

  2. Thanks for visiting Allie! It's lovely isn't it. Glad you found the post useful. Although really I'm just passing on what I have discovered, all the hard work is done by in this instance Cathe from Just something I made. I shall check out your blog.



  3. Hy I am Jalil khan from Pakistan. Your blog is realy beautiful

  4. You posting are wonderful and informative.
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  5. Hi, thank you for this useful tip, I was searching for this how-to for quite some time. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, glad you liked my tutorial :)

  6. Hey there! I was wondering how you added the "contact me" portion on your blog?? Could you share? Thanks!

  7. Hi Kate, I'm Mariolina from Italy....Thank you for this useful tutorial...I've added it to my blog here...

  8. Hello, i want to say thank you for a great job you've done on your blog.Keep updating your blog.
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  9. can any email use this? for example, yahoo mail, hotmail, etc...or does the person sending me an email HAVE to have a gmail account?

    1. Hi Danielle, thanks for stopping by. It should work with any email, it's just I happen to have a gmail account.

      Also, have you read about being a 'no reply blooger'? If you change your settings it means that people can reply to your comments by email and you will get the reply to your email. Makes life easier I think? Just a thought. :) you may prefer not too,

      Take care



❀Thanks for stopping by, I always love to here what you have to say. I like to reply to your comments and especially love it when you're NOT a "noreplyblogger" so I can email my reply to you! If you like what you read have a peek to your right for ways you can follow me and my blog❀