The Tales of Me

Friday 9 March 2012

Hounded Read-along, chapters 6-10

So it's week 2 of the Hounded read-along.  Things are getting interesting for Atticus and Oberon!

1. In Chapter 6, Atticus goes hunting with Oberon and Flidais.  What was suppose to be a fun hunting trip turned rather disastrous.  Were you expecting something like this to happen or did it catch you by surprise?  Have you ever had something that should have been fun turn disastrous or nearly disastrous? 

Initially I didn't think anything disastrous was going to happen but I should of known better because you wouldn't have a very exciting story if it all went smoothly.  I got my suspicions when he changed in to a wolf  hound and felt befuddled (I love that word).  How great would that be to change your form so you could run with your dog (or animal of your choice).  I haven't be haven't been in any seriously disasterous situations but there's 2 that I suppose could have turned out worse.  Hubby, Spike and I love to go exploring.  We were on a walk at Boxhill in Surrey.  Somehow  manged to take a route which meant we were climbing up a near vertical cliff with no safety gear.  Spike was like a little mountain goat running up and down.  It was a hands and feet job and at points I was using Hubby's hands as foot holds.  Thank god he's strong enough to help me.  Not sure how I would of made it up there without him.  Saying that without him I wouldn't of been there in the first place.   It was a huge relief and a great feeling when we made it to the top.  I tell you what if I could of changed my form to a dog or perhaps a mountain goat it would of been an easier hike!

  The second incident was when we went on our first canoeing trip.  It was to be a 80 mile trip from Glasbury on Wye to Monmouth in Wales.  We actually got in to trouble around 5 miles into the trip, we got caught on a rock and the current capsized us and all 3 of us ended up in the river.  Luckily it wasn't deep but the current was pretty strong.  Hubby to the rescue again grabbed all our stuff got it back into the canoe and took the canoe and Spike to the river bank.  He then came back to give me a hand and told Spike to wait on the river bank.  Spike had other ideas and started swimming back out to us!  Bless him.  We came out of that disaster  unscathed if a little wet.  Oh and we kinda ruined my father in laws camera, oops.  The remainder of our journey went smoothly though.

2. We are only briefly introduced to the witches (or, a witch) in chapter 7. What are your first impressions? How much would you trust the witches? Why?

Heckles went up shortly after Emily came into the store.  First impressions, were not good.  She did not come across as trust worthy and seemed a little too keen to enlist Atticus's services.  She's part of a formidable coven from what Atticus said so why can they not deal with their little problem themselves? Suspicious me thinks.

3. Oberon says, “With dogs you just go up and smell their asses and you know where you stand. It’s so much easier. Why can’t humans do that?” Do you ever wish there was an easier way to find out where you stand with someone (besides Oberon’s suggestion, of course)? In what cases would it be easier or better to hide your true feelings?

Definitely don't fancy Oberon's suggestion and getting to up close and personal with other people's asses.  In some situations it could be good to know where you stand with someone but then getting to know someone good or bad can be half the fun.  I suppose on a date or when you went for a job interview it would be better and kind of handy to know what your date/interviewer thought of you.  But there are many situations that it wouldn't be good, for example if you'd pulled a sicky at work.  That could get you into one heck of a lot of trouble!

4. Chapter 9 makes Atticus’ life much more difficult: the witches are in some way working with Aeghus Og, Bres comes after Atticus, and more trouble appears at the end of the chapter. Have you made sense of what has happened thus far? Any predictions for what might happen?

Everything makes sense so far, well as much as it can do in Atticus and Oberons world. At this point in the book it's becoming clear that the witches have ulterior motives but what they are, who knows *shrug of shoulders* .  The story gets ever more intriguing though.

5. Atticus has had plenty of time to cultivate attitudes and ethics that would allow him to live a very long time. What do you think it is about Atticus that has allowed him to live for as long as he has?  

They say "you live and learn" and after centuries of living I'm pretty sure Atticus would have accumulated a mass of knowledge (although I think he's still learning when it comes to women).  With the knowledge he has gained over the centuries and some influential contacts he has made along the way, he has bumbled on though the years but not without some hair raising situations occurring and plenty of close calls I fear.

So that's chapters 6-10 done, roll on another read along week.  Hope everyone is enjoying the book.


  1. Love the pictures.

    Emily had me suspicious from the get go.

  2. Woo your trip looks fabulous! I love the way you stylized the pictures :) I didn't trust Emily...or the whole coven really...They should know how to deal with one bad boyfriend doncha think?? Still...let's wait and don't know if the WHOLE coven is bad..maybe just Emily?

  3. Emily's definitely a sly one. The coven should definitely be able to deal with a bad boyfriend! Thanks about pictures. Andra, they were easy to do on fotoflexer.

  4. HAHAHA! Poor camera! Surrey is so lovely. I've always wanted to visit, and the picture just shows that I MUST! Yes, I think Atticus has learned a lot. I like that he takes it all in and keeps it for future use. He's just such a sensible guy. Well, sensible in most things. Cracks me up his weak spot for women.

    Could you imagine going into work the next day and your boss looks at you and was like "YOU LIED!" Ug! Ya, I wouldn't want that, but sensing emotions instead of thoughts would be cool. Reading auras would be pretty awesome.

    1. Oh yes his weak spot for lovely ladies is most amusing. That would be awful if your boss knew you'd lied. That would be great sensing emotions and reading auras.

  5. The canoeing bit reminds me of something that happened to me in Germany. Not canoeing related, but there was a river. Anyway. Long story short, we missed a ferry departure and thought we were stranded about five miles out of town. But the ferry turned around and came back for us. It was embarrassing. But, it saved us the walk.

    1. Oh dear, nightmare. How good of them to come back and get you though if a little embarrasing ;)

  6. Wow Kate you are an adventurous gal. How come your Hubby saved Spike first? Sounds like the three of you have lots of fun adventures. I guess the whiole playing sick thing could back fire as well as the little white lies, "oh yes I really love your dress..."
    Glad to meet you and happy you are along for the read along :)

    1. I was always a tomboy as a young girl growing up but then I lost that adventurous side but when I met Hubby I re-discovered her! We do have lots of fun together. Interesting question, Hubby saving the dog first! Hmmmm never though about that, LOL! Nice to meet you too. Love the title of you blog :)

  7. wow! What a fantastic trip you took!! That looks fo fun and I love your dog, looking all adventurous. Great answers!

    1. Thank you. It was a great trip, I love being on the river and camping near it. You get to see things you normally don't. It's so relaxing too :)

  8. Awe, Spike is adorable, though I'm beginning to think he lives for danger. He seems to get you two in the most exciting situations, though. :)

    1. He he! He is a right little dare devil and loves nothing better then leading us into to trouble :)

  9. Oh wow, those sound like some fun trips. And yes, Atticus should've known better about the witch.

    1. We try to!even if we do get ourselves into some dodgy predicaments!

  10. Great answers, no one wants to get caught pulling a sickie. The canoeing looks great fun, but I guess you're still dry in those pics!

  11. Canoeing is great fun and yes we were dry at this point :) Thanks for your comment :)

  12. SPIKE! How adorable is he??? Oh and I would shudder to think what a lie would smell like. LOL

    I agree, though... Atticus does still have things left to learn about women. Looks like he is willing!

    1. Thanks Melissa, we love him lots :o) Oh yes a lie would smell awful wouldn't it!

  13. Thanks to everyone who has taken their time to read my answers and comment :o)

  14. Yep I would so get busted because I use about 5 of my sick days for non-sick reason :) Luckily the company I work for---it is all considered the same thing LOL

    I am going on vacation with you next time! What is a little bump in the road when you are at a place as beautiful as that. Just make room for me LOL

    1. He he! I reckon so many people would get in trouble wouldn't they. I think everyone has probably done it at least 1 time in their lives. I will point out here I have never done it in my present job and last time I did was many years ago :)It is beautiful isn't it. I'm sure we could find space :)We do have interesting holidays and recently they've all been in England, saying that if we could rely on the weather more there are plenty of beautiful places to visit.


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