The Tales of Me

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Filofax Fun: My Kikki-K part 2.

Did you get to check out my planner set up video? If you missed it here's the link.

I was showing you around my current love my Kikki-K planner that Hubby kindly bought me for Christmas. In today's post I'm going to go into a bit more detail about my planner. It's a WIP and will probably get tweaked as the months go on but there are some things that I am really happy with that probably won't change.

So I am currently using a medium sized Kikki-K in yellow. Unfortunately I don't think you can appreciate how lovely the colour is in my pictures, (hoping to get a new camera for my birthday next month, YAY!).

So I have 7 dividers, I don't label them because I know what each section is and it means I can change them up if I want too, although the 1st tab is pre-labeled with calendar.
  1. Calendar
  2. Planning
  3. Expenses/budget
  4. Personal
  5. Goals/inspiration
  6. Lists
  7. Misc
Section 1: Calendar

At the start I have the cutest dashboard. I love the quote used. This is from Happie Scrappie, (sorry couldn't link up the actual page with the dashboard as the shop is closed until 22nd March.

I then have my About me page, just in case god forbid I lost this little beauty. My about me page is from Anna of Mrs Brimbles. The link is for her Etsy shop and here is the link for her store

Here's my first divider

In this section I have a year at glance printables. Both the inserts I use for this are fabulous freebies the 1st one is from and the 2nd from Strange and Charmed. On these I circle mine and Hubby's annual leave days. I got inspiration for this from Planner Holics on You Tube
I also have a year at a glance fold out insert which I got from Pembroke Papers and on here I use stickers to highlight our paydays. I have also started to track the use of my toiletries such as shampoo and make-up to see how long they are lasting. I've got them listed on another page and numbered and I write the number on and highlight them in yellow when I open them and I will write the number in when they are finished and highlight them in green.

The last inserts in this section are my month on 2 pages and I'm using ones I got in a Websters Colour Crush planner which I bought at the end of 2015. Rather then wasting them I covered up the numbers with washi tape. I actually really love these inserts, the boxes are quite small but paper quality is great and I love the tabs on them. I will see how they go but so far so good and I think I will get some for next year too,

Section 2 Planning

In here I have my week on 2 pages and also a tracking insert. On the week on 2 pages I right down appointments and to do's etc. I also track my water intake and whether I've had my vitamins on here. Both the inserts are from, week on one page with daily check lists and simple week on two pages

I was inspired to do some doodling on my planner after watching Sarah/Sarazoel, she does some great doodles and they're quite easy to follow.

This page divider is from Happie Scrappie, from the monsters range.

I haven't taken pictures of my divders or inserts for section 3 or  because this is already a pic heavy post but if you want to see these in more detail and you haven't already, here's the link to my video.

Section 3

This is a section dedicated to budgeting and finances. I didn't take a picture of my divider for this section or my inserts but I have some great inserts from Pretty Purple Plans, which are really well designed. I haven't got in to the routine of using these properly yet but they are great inserts. You get a budget sheet and a spend, savings, debt tracker.

Section 4

Again no picture for this section, but this section is has personal information such as stuff about my dogs etc.  I also have my routines in here, stuff for Hubby and another insert from Mrs Brimbles for my birthdays and anniversaries.

Section 5

I love using my planner so it makes me happy to be able to open it up and look inside it for inspiration, I write my goals in here and like to write in inspirational quotes that I have come across. So as you would expect I keep my goals in here. I also keep quotes that I've come across that inspire me. I recently read Hal Elrod's The Miracle Morning (TMM), and have my personal affirmations that I do as part of my morning and bedtime routine. If you want to know more about TMM check out Boho Berry's book review where she tells you all about it, her blog is fab and very inspirational.

Section 6

Planners love lists don't they? Well I know I do and in this section I have lots of them, from wish lists to things around the home that need to be done. It's just good to get the ideas/wishes down on paper.

Section 7 - Miscellaneous

Nothing much in this section just some spare inserts. I may rethink this at some point.

So that's my set up so far. No doubt I will change things up as the year progresses or I discover new ideas. I'm so happy I discovered the wonderful world of planners and filofaxes. There is a fantastic community out there of like minded people. I am really excited as there are several meet ups that I hope to attend this year. Finally I will get to talk other addicts who understand my need for gorgeous stationery!


  1. I get so inspired when I see these adorable "What you can do with your planner" posts! I have a Start Planner, which I love, but I want to spruce it up. HOW IN THE HECK did I ever live without it?!

    1. Ah thanks. I am in love with my planner and you do become reliant on them don't you. Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I love your planner! The stickers are so cute :)


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